This is an automated web scraper written in node, using puppeteer.This will give you a pdf of your result
Note :
1.This is for IPU Students and which are enrolled in B.TECH BCA BBA courses.
2.Before sending your email using gmail you have to allow non secure apps to access gmail you can do this by going to your gmail settings []
3.Also enable the captcha []
- Open a terminal in the activity folder and run the following command:
- make sure you edited credentials file (otherwise you will get error)
node myresult "credentials.json"
Logs into the user's account, searches results.
gives combined pdf with results.
email the result.
convert it to html.
Gives overall result.
Clone the repository.
Open the base directory of the repository.
Run the following commands in terminal to install required modules:
npm install
npm install nodemailer
Create a credentials.JSON in the activity folder file with your details:
{ "from" : "SENDERS_EMIAL", "pwd" : "SENDERS_PASSWORD" , "to":"RECEIVER_EMAIL", "enroll":"YOUR_EMAIL", "course":"YOUR_COURSE" }