Planned function: accept video (pi_vision) from multple sources, convert to 3D spatial coordinates using ros-tf. Publish intersting events to all concerned. Interesting events include:
- Entry, exit of a human face in the field of view.
- Location of the face.
There are several goals to be acheived:
Integrate multiple camera inputs. In particular, the eye cameras move with the eyes, and thus have a constantly changing field-of-view, whereas the body camera has an essentially fixed field-of-view. The information from these sources needs to be integrated.
Behaviour nodes that need perception information should be able to to poll for it on an as-needed basis, rather than being driven by a 20-frames-per-second perception updates.
##Prerequisites pi_vision is needed. See pi_vision for details.
There are several ways to get things running. One way is to manually start the usb camera node, and the pi_vision node, and then the perception node. A simpler alternative is to use the provided launch files to do this automatically. So:
Just run the launch files. You may want to adjust single-cam.launch to match your actual webcam.
roslaunch perception tracker-single-cam.launch
roslaunch perception geometry.launch
roslaunch perception tracker.launch
roslaunch perception geometry.launch
The rviz visualizer can be disabled by saying:
roslaunch perception geometry.launch gui=false
Alternative URDF files can be specified by saying
roslaunch perception geometry.launch model:=other.urdf
to use the other.urdf
- Make sure the usb camera is running, typically like this:
roslaunch ros2opencv usb_cam.launch
- Make sure pi_vision is running:
roslaunch pi_face_tracker face_tracker_usb_cam.launch
- Make sure that the face tracker is publishing faces:
rostopic echo /camera/face_locations
- Start the perception node:
rosrun perception
- Verify that the 3D location of the face is reasonable; launch rviz to see where it is.
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find perception`/rviz/faces.rviz
Broadcast /tf
data from face tracking.
camera/face_locations (pi_vision/Faces)
: Faces published by pi_vision, as seen by main camera.eye_camera/face_locations (pi_vision/Faces)
: Faces published by pi_vision, as seen by eye camera.
: Max distance for faces from eye-camera and body camera to be considered same.
: Face location based on body cameraFace<face_id>
: Transformation relative to theface_base
from eye camera.
- Make sure you have two cameras connected:
- Body Camera on
- Eye Camera on
- Body Camera on
- Run face tracking:
roslaunch perception tracker.launch
- Run the node:
roslaunch perception display.launch