Personal portfolio page, written from scratch. Practicing controlling element placement with my mind (CSS).
This site is now being templated using Jinja2. If you would like to clone and further adjust the template, you can use static website generator to test that your templating is including all parts of the site.
To test with a static site generator:
- Ensure that the file
(from this blog post) is in your primary folder and that your HTML files are in asrc/
folder and your assets (css, js, images, etc.) in astatic
subdirectory. Your generated HTML will appear in adist
directory once run. - Start a local Python server with
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
while in the project folder. - Open a browser to
. Nothing yet! - From a new terminal tab, navigate to the project's primary directory and run
- Check that the result shown in the browser is what you expect. Cheer and abstract on if it is!