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APG 1.1 Release 2 Plan

Matt King edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 1 revision

Plan Summary

Targetted for publication in June 2018, the focus of APG 1.1 release 2 is to:

  1. Fix bugs found in release 1.
  2. Add reference implementations for the following patterns that are missing them:
    1. Alert Dialog
    2. Spinbutton
    3. Window Splitter
  3. Add switch pattern and example.
  4. Add treegrid pattern and example.


Updated June 14

All issues: Github Milestone that tracks all release 2 issues

Objective(links to issues) Status comments
Bugs in release 1 examples 58% Done 8 Open issues; 2 have pending PR
Editorial issues in release 1 29% done 10 open issues; 3 pending PRs
Alert Dialog Example (issue 101 Code complete; in review Assigned to Evan
Spinbutton Example (issue 125) PR coming June 12: Gerard confirmed will submit PR; he has code written.
Window Splitter Example (issue 130) Not started Assigned to James
switch pattern and example project Not started No one assigned to pattern; Michiel assigned to example.
treegrid pattern and example project 85% done Code complete; documentation drafted; editorial work in progress
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