The beekeeper server is the administration server for the cyberinfrastructure. All nodes must register with the beekeeper in order to be added to the ecosystem.
The beekeeper is responsible for the following:
- front end for provisioning and administrative management of all nodes
- certificate authority responsible for generating and validating all communication keys used by the nodes (i.e. services running on them)
- administrative portal for collecting the general health of all nodes
docker run --rm -it \
-v ${PWD}:/workdir:rw \
waggle/beekeeper-key-tools:latest \ -p -o beekeeper-keys
docker run --rm -it \
-v ${PWD}:/workdir:rw \
waggle/beekeeper-key-tools:latest \ \
-b my-beehive \
-c beekeeper-keys/bk-ca/beekeeper_ca_key \
-k beekeeper-keys/node-registration-key/registration \
-o beekeeper-keys/registration_certs/untilforever
docker-compose up --build
Note: the above options are for testing only and should not be used in production.
- The first step creates a beehive but credentials will be missing.
kubectl port-forward service/beekeeper-api 5000:5000 # if needed
curl localhost:5000/beehives -d '{"id": "my-beehive", "key-type": "rsa-sha2-256", "rmq-host":"host", "rmq-port": 5, "upload-host":"host", "upload-port": 6}'
curl localhost:5000/beehives | jq .
Create beehive (not beekeeper) CA credentials:
Add credentials for beehive to beekeeper
cd test-data/beehive_ca
curl -F "tls-key=@tls/cakey.pem" -F "tls-cert=@tls/cacert.pem" -F "ssh-key=@ssh/ca" -F "ssh-pub=@ssh/" -F "ssh-cert=@ssh/" localhost:5000/beehives/my-beehive
curl localhost:5000/beehives/my-beehive | jq .
The next set of commands will only work once the node has registered.
VSN can be obtained from the node by:
curl localhost:5000/node/0000000000000001 -d '{"vsn": true}'
Getting the VSN can be done before or after the assignment of beehive or deploying the wes services.
curl localhost:5000/node/0000000000000001 -d '{"assign_beehive": "my-beehive"}'
curl localhost:5000/node/0000000000000001 -d '{"deploy_wes": true}'
Check the logs:
docker logs beekeeper_bk-api_1
SSH to the node (via reverse ssh tunnel)
ssh -i ./beekeeper-keys/node-ssh-key/nodes.pem -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=true -o ProxyCommand="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@localhost -p 2201 -i ./beekeeper-keys/bk-admin-ssh-key/admin.pem netcat -U /home_dirs/node-0000000000000001/rtun.sock" root@foo
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts sage_registration@localhost -p 20022 -i id_rsa_sage_registration register 0000000000000001
OR within bk-config container
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=./known_hosts sage_registration@bk-sshd -p 22 -i registration_keys/id_rsa_sage_registration register 0000000000000001
@cert-authority ssh-ed25519 AAAAC.....
cp known_hosts register.pem ~/git/waggle-edge-stack/ansible/private/
ansible will copy these files if detected
Got to the directory that contains your beekeeper-keys
folder. Follow the instructions outlined at for creating a node registration certificate file.
Unit-testing is executed via
Requires running docker-compose enviornment.
docker-compose exec db mysql -u root -ptesttest -D Beekeeper
docker-compose exec node1 bash