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Merge pull request #234 from waldronlab/sdgamboa/getsignatures-update
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Update import of bugphyzz and how to make signatures
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sdgamboa authored Jan 9, 2024
2 parents fa5f283 + 482f67d commit 0032b6d
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Showing 5 changed files with 220 additions and 61 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export(fattyAcidComposition)
Expand Down
175 changes: 145 additions & 30 deletions R/bugphyzz.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,39 +14,154 @@
#' @examples
#' bp <- importBugphyzz()
#' ## Check available groups of attributes
#' unique(bp$Attribute_group)
#' ## Filter only for growth temperature
#' gt <- bp[which(bp$Attribute_group == 'growth temperature'), ]
#' ## Create signatures with taxids at the species level
#' gt_sigs <- getBugphyzzSignatures(gt, = 'NCBI_ID', tax.level = 'species')]
#' lapply(gt_sigs, function(x) head(x))
#' names(bp)
importBugphyzz <- function(version = 'devel', force_download = FALSE) {
if (version == 'devel')
url <- ''
rpath <- .getResource(
rname = 'bugphyzz_export.tsv', url = url, verbose = TRUE,
force = force_download
types <- c("multistate", "binary", "numeric")
urls <- paste0(
thr <- .thresholds()
dat <- utils::read.table(rpath, header = TRUE, sep = '\t') |>
dplyr::mutate(Score = round(.data$Score, digits = 3)) |>
dplyr::mutate(Frequency = dplyr::case_when(
.data$Score == 1 ~ 'always',
.data$Score >= 0.9 & .data$Score < 1 ~ 'usually',
.data$Score >= 0.5 & .data$Score < 0.9 ~ 'sometimes',
.data$Score > 0 & .data$Score < 0.5 ~ 'rarely',
.data$Score == 0 ~ 'never'
)) |>
Attribute_source = ifelse(.data$Evidence == 'inh', NA, .data$Attribute_source)
names(urls) <- types
if (version == 'devel') {
output <- vector("list", length(urls))
for (i in seq_along(output)) {
message("Importing ", names(urls)[i], " data...")
names(output)[i] <- names(urls)[i]
rpath <- .getResource(
rname = paste0("bugphyzz_", names(urls)[i], ".tsv"),
url = urls[i], verbose = TRUE, force = force_download
output[[i]] <- utils::read.csv(rpath, header = TRUE, skip = 1)

output <- lapply(output, function(x) split(x, x$Attribute_group))
output <- purrr::list_flatten(output)
names(output) <- purrr::map_chr(output, ~ unique(.x$Attribute_group))

#' Make bugs signatures
#' \code{makeSignatures} Creates signatures for a list of bugphyzz
#' data.frames imported with \code{importBugphyzz}
#' @param dat A data.frame.
#' @param tax_id_type A character string. Valid options: NCBI_ID, Taxon_name.
#' @param tax_level A character vector. Taxonomic rank. Valid options:
#' kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, strain.
#' They can be combined. "mixed" is equivalent to select all valid ranks.
#' @param evidence A character vector. Valid options: exp, igc, nas, tas, tax, asr.
#' They can be combined. Default is all.
#' @param frequency A character vector. Valid options: always, usually,
#' sometimes, rarely, unknown. They can be combiend. Default value is all but
#' rarely.
#' @param min_size Minimun number of bugs in a signature. Default is 10.
#' @param min Minimum value inclusive. Only for numeric attributes. Default is NULL.
#' @param max Maximum value inclusive. Only for numeric attributes. Default is NULL.
#' @return A list of character vector with the IDs of the bugs.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bp <- importBugphyzz()
#' sigs <- lapply(bp, makeSignatures)
#' sigs <- purrr::list_flatten(sigs)
makeSignatures <- function(
dat, tax_id_type = "NCBI_ID",
tax_level = "mixed",
evidence = c("exp", "igc", "tas", "nas", "tax", "asr"),
frequency = c("always", "usually", "sometimes", "unknown"),
min_size = 10, min = NULL, max = NULL
) {
attr_type <- unique(dat$Attribute_type)
if (tax_level == "mixed") {
tax_level <- c(
"kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species",
dplyr::left_join(dat, thr, by = c('Attribute_group', 'Attribute'))
dat <- dat |>
dplyr::filter(Rank %in% tax_level) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$Evidence %in% evidence) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$Frequency %in% frequency)
if (!nrow(dat)) {
"Not enough data for creating signatures. Try different filtering options",
call. = FALSE
if (attr_type %in% c("multistate-intersection", "binary")) {
s <- .makeSignaturesDiscrete(dat = dat, tax_id_type = tax_id_type)
} else if (attr_type %in% c("range", "numeric")) {
s <- .makeSignaturesNumeric(
dat = dat, tax_id_type = tax_id_type, min = min, max = max
output <- purrr::keep(s, ~ length(.x) >= min_size)
if (!length(output)) {
"Not enough data for creating signatures. Try different filtering options",
call. = FALSE

.makeSignaturesDiscrete <- function(dat, tax_id_type = "NCBI_ID") {
dat |>
Attribute = paste0("bugphyzz:", .data$Attribute, "|", .data$Attribute_value)
) |>
{\(y) split(y, y$Attribute)}() |>
lapply(function(x) unique(x[[tax_id_type]]))

.makeSignaturesNumeric <- function(
dat, tax_id_type = "NCBI_ID", min = NULL, max = NULL
) {
if (!is.null(min) || !is.null(max)) {
if (is.null(min)) {
message("Minimum unespecified. Using ", min(dat$Attribute_value), ".")
min <- min(dat$Attribute_value)
if (is.null(max)) {
message("Maximum unespecified. Using ", max(dat$Attribute_value), ".")
max <- max(dat$Attribute_value)
dat <- dat |>
.data$Attribute_value >= min & .data$Attribute_value <= max
) |>
Attribute = paste0("bugphyzz:", .data$Attribute, "| >=", min, " & <=", max)
} else {
thr <- .thresholds() |>
dplyr::filter(.data$Attribute_group == unique(dat$Attribute_group))
attr_name <- thr$Attribute
min_values <- thr$lower
max_values <- thr$upper
dat$tmp_col <- NA
for (i in seq_along(attr_name)) {
if ([i]))
min_values[i] <- min(dat$Attribute_value) - 0.01
if ([i]))
max_values[i] <- max(dat$Attribute_value)
pos <- which(dat$Attribute_value > min_values[i] & dat$Attribute_value <= max_values[i])
dat$tmp_col[pos] <- attr_name[i]
dat$Attribute[pos] <- paste0("bugphyzz:", dat$Attribute[pos], "|", attr_name[i], "| > ", round(min_values[i], 2), " & <= ", max_values[i])
dat |>
{\(y) split(y, y$Attribute)}() |>
lapply(function(x) unique(x[[tax_id_type]]))

#' Get bugphyzz signatures
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,7 +350,7 @@ whichAttrGrp <- function(bp) {
unit = ifelse($unit), '', .data$unit)
) |>
dplyr::mutate(Attribute_range = paste0(range, unit)) |>
.data$Attribute_group, .data$Attribute, .data$Attribute_range
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions inst/extdata/thresholds.tsv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
Attribute_group Attribute lower upper unit
coding genes very small NA 473 NA
coding genes small 474 600 NA
coding genes average 601 6000 NA
coding genes very large 60001 NA NA
coding genes small 473 600 NA
coding genes average 600 6000 NA
coding genes very large 6000 NA NA
genome size small NA 490885 bp
genome size average 490886 998123 bp
genome size large 998124 6997434 bp
genome size very large 6997435 NA bp
growth temperature psychrophile NA 24.9 C
genome size average 490885 998123 bp
genome size large 998123 6997434 bp
genome size very large 6997434 NA bp
growth temperature psychrophile NA 25 C
growth temperature mesophile 25 45 C
growth temperature thermophile 46 60 C
growth temperature hyperthermophile 61 NA C
growth temperature thermophile 45 60 C
growth temperature hyperthermophile 60 NA C
length small NA 3.8 μm
length average 3.9 22 μm
length large 23 60 μm
length very large 61 NA μm
length average 3.8 22 μm
length large 22 60 μm
length very large 60 NA μm
mutation rate per site per generation slow NA 2.92 NA
mutation rate per site per generation medium 2.93 16 NA
mutation rate per site per generation fast 17 NA NA
mutation rate per site per generation medium 2.92 16 NA
mutation rate per site per generation fast 16 NA NA
mutation rate per site per year slow NA 7.5 NA
mutation rate per site per year medium 7.6 20 NA
mutation rate per site per year medium fast 21 54.2 NA
mutation rate per site per year fast 54.3 NA NA
mutation rate per site per year medium 7.5 20 NA
mutation rate per site per year medium fast 20 54.2 NA
mutation rate per site per year fast 54.2 NA NA
optimal ph acidic NA 6 NA
optimal ph neutral 6 8 NA
optimal ph alkaline 8 9.76 NA
optimal ph very alkaline 9.76 NA NA
width small NA 0.9 μm
width average 0.91 3.5 μm
width large 3.51 12 μm
width very large 13 NA μm
width average 0.9 3.5 μm
width large 3.5 12 μm
width very large 12 NA μm
12 changes: 1 addition & 11 deletions man/importBugphyzz.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions man/makeSignatures.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

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