Developed with vue js and laravel framework.
cp .env.example .env
The app key is used to salt passwords. If you need to work with production data you'll want to use the same app key as defined in the .env file in production so password hashes match.
- DB_DATABASE (your local database, i.e. "crm")
- DB_USERNAME (your local db username, i.e. "root")
- DB_PASSWORD (your local db password, i.e. "")
- HASHIDS_SALT (use the app key or match the variable used in production)
composer install
If you don't have Composer installed, instructions here.
php artisan key:generate
php artisan jwt:secret
php artisan migrate
npm install
If you don't have Node and NPM installed, instructions here.
npm run dev
If you need sample data to work with, you can seed the database:
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed --force
Read more in /docs/
After seeding the database, you can log in with these credentials:
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
Laravel sends emails for password resets. The default for MAIL_DRIVER in .env.example is log. You can view logged emails in storage/logs/laravel.log.
Internal Docs:
Laravel Docs: