What's Changed
Happy New Year! Workerman v5 is here. Thanks to all the contributors, you are truly amazing.
- Update Request.php by @EzzalddeenAli in #734
- formatting by @mowangjuanzi in #735
- Fixed PHP Deprecated: strlen() in Http:Response by @rslucena in #736
- Update composer.json and README.md by @mowangjuanzi in #737
- fixed event interface return type by @mowangjuanzi in #739
- Update Worker.php by @mowangjuanzi in #741
- Update Worker.php by @mowangjuanzi in #742
- fixes for getting class name by @DarkVss in #749
- Update Worker.php by @captainstdin in #748
- 添加对 Connection 的序列化操作 by @mouyong in #759
- Allow to change lifetime without application reload by @latypoff in #770
- Worker code optimization by @twomiao in #775
- 修复PHP Warning: Undefined array key警告 by @bbuugg in #780
- Use constant in phrases for codes by @joanhey in #825
- Use constant for error types by @joanhey in #826
- Use constant for built in transports by @joanhey in #827
- Use constant in async tcp connection transports by @joanhey in #828
- Use Null Coalesce Operator by @joanhey in #830
- Change phrase to 413 status code by @joanhey in #831
- Add .gitattributes, exclude tests from archive by @iamvar in #792
- Mandatory host header in http 1.1 by @rexpl in #823
- Fixed annotation: Worker::getAllWorkers() >> @return Worker[] by @tianyiw2013 in #838
- Update annotation: TcpConnection->$context by @tianyiw2013 in #839
- Swow Event by @xuanyanwow in #864
- Fix connection closed before file send completed by @landso in #870
- Support the use of proxy by @1923998238 in #752
- correct incorrect spelling by @robin12315 in #873
- Set ext-swow conflict by @xuanyanwow in #872
- enhance some code by @guanhui07 in #877
- ignore vendor and lock file by @LTaooo in #885
- Added missing types by @akotulu in #891
- git忽略.vscode配置文件夹 by @logdd in #900
- Fixed a bug where file types were overwritten by @xsxs89757 in #903
- Fix ext headers by @jhdxr in #905
- Add test by @jhdxr in #904
- behavior tests by @jhdxr in #907
- Fix the SSE response data format by @Yurunsoft in #910
- code refactor by @xHeaven in #914
- Fixed typos, removed PHPStorm attributes and change DEBUG to USER by @akotulu in #917
- Update composer.json by @oladoyinbov in #913
- 🐛 import function
by @xuanyanwow in #918 - Start the socket server in beforeAll by @Chance-fyi in #919
- Feature test of http server by @Chance-fyi in #920
- Fix 400 Bad Request by @joanhey in #922
- Use phpunit.xml.dist and add tests dir in .gitattributes by @joanhey in #925
- Add static analysis tool PHPStan by @Chance-fyi in #927
- Add PHP 8.3 nightly to tests by @joanhey in #928
- Rename phpstan.neon to .dist by @joanhey in #929
- Functional test of websocket services by @Chance-fyi in #931
- Small changes by @joanhey in #932
- Disable fail-fast in GH actions by @joanhey in #935
- Add $_FILES['full_path'] by @joanhey in #936
- Use Stringable by @joanhey in #938
- Improve tests by @joanhey in #950
- Add Windows and Mac Os to tests by @joanhey in #951
- Fixed: Graceful stop and Standardized code format by @twomiao in #952
- Fixed bug: onWorkerStop cannot be triggered. by @twomiao in #959
- Updated Swoole TcpConnection by @twomiao in #961
- Update worker by @twomiao in #968
- First class callable syntax by @luzrain in #972
- Update Event.php by @imlinfly in #965
- Refactoring: type definition improvements by @luzrain in #975
- Network settings in tests by @luzrain in #973
- Refactoring: null coalescing assignments by @luzrain in #976
- Removed some ignoreErrors from phpstan and resolve those errors by @luzrain in #979
- Update $eventLoopClass initialization process. by @luzrain in #980
- Error handling implemented in all event classes by @luzrain in #978
- Events finalize by @luzrain in #981
- Tests improvements: Udp and websocket server code stubs moved out to Stub directory by @luzrain in #983
- Output stream can now be set with $outputStream property by @luzrain in #984
- Temp files processing refactoring by @luzrain in #982
- Fix in resetStd to close STDOUT and STDERR by @luzrain in #986
- Fixed safeEcho never printing output when tty decoration is unavailable. by @akotulu in #990
- worker: allow to set logFile as /dev/null by @vanodevium in #993
- Fix error when unserialize return false by @tourze in #997
- Add pids to .gitignore by @joanhey in #1019
- Constant VERSION made final by @joanhey in #1020
- Improved logging when process exits and php select exceeds file descr… by @akotulu in #1026
- Add worker mode information to statistics file by @lengqiuqiuqiu in #1011
- fix(async tcp): http proxy setting by @roiwk in #1029
- Add application/wasm to mime.types by @NitronPlus in #1032
- Fix PHP 8.4 explicit nullable by @joanhey in #1048
- Fix nullable for PHP 8.4 by @joanhey in #1047
- Response construct use property promotion by @joanhey in #1050
- Property promotion by @joanhey in #1049
- Implemented WebSocket connected callback. by @akotulu in #1055
- fix: all coroutines must be canceled before Event::exit by @chaz6chez in #1059
- Fixed cookie parsing, parse_str replaces urlencoded characters. by @akotulu in #1060
- Fixed onWebsocketConnected isn't called with SSL connection by @akotulu in #1061
- Add PHP 8.4 nightly to tests by @joanhey in #1051
- Update tests version libs to fix warnings and deprecations by @joanhey in #1065
- Update Worker.php fix nullable for PHP8.4 by @joanhey in #1069
- Optimizations Worker.php by @joanhey in #1070
New Contributors
- @EzzalddeenAli made their first contribution in #734
- @rslucena made their first contribution in #736
- @DarkVss made their first contribution in #749
- @captainstdin made their first contribution in #748
- @mouyong made their first contribution in #759
- @twomiao made their first contribution in #775
- @bbuugg made their first contribution in #780
- @iamvar made their first contribution in #792
- @rexpl made their first contribution in #823
- @tianyiw2013 made their first contribution in #838
- @xuanyanwow made their first contribution in #864
- @landso made their first contribution in #870
- @1923998238 made their first contribution in #752
- @robin12315 made their first contribution in #873
- @guanhui07 made their first contribution in #877
- @akotulu made their first contribution in #891
- @logdd made their first contribution in #900
- @xsxs89757 made their first contribution in #903
- @jhdxr made their first contribution in #905
- @xHeaven made their first contribution in #914
- @oladoyinbov made their first contribution in #913
- @luzrain made their first contribution in #972
- @imlinfly made their first contribution in #965
- @vanodevium made their first contribution in #993
- @lengqiuqiuqiu made their first contribution in #1011
- @roiwk made their first contribution in #1029
- @NitronPlus made their first contribution in #1032
- @chaz6chez made their first contribution in #1059
Full Changelog: v4.0.31...v5.0.0