Explore enterprise features via our CLI tool and/or bring up the whole stack using docker-compose.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/walt-id/waltid-enterprise-quickstart.git
Change Working Directory
cd waltid-enterprise-quickstart
Run the CLI
Command | Description |
run | Run the Enterprise Stack. |
wizard | Start a step-by-step wizard to guide you through all important operations. |
expert mode | Switch to expert mode for advanced operations. |
superadmin-create-account | Create the super admin account. |
init-db | Initialize the database. |
superadmin-login | Log in as the super admin. |
create-organization | Create an organization or the root organization. |
create-user-account | Create a new user account. |
add-admin-role | Assign the 'admin' role to the user previously created. |
user-admin-login | Log in as a user with admin role. |
create-tenant | Create a tenant in the organization created with the superadmin user. |
create-kms-service | Create KMS service in the tenant. |
generate-did-key | Generate a key to be later used on DID creation. |
create-did-service | Create DID service in the tenant. |
create-did | Create a did:key for credential issuance. |
create-issuer-service | Create issuer service in the tenant. |
issue-jwt-vc | Issue a W3C JWT credential. |
list-organizations | List all organizations under the superadmin account. |
list-accounts | List all accounts. |
list-org-resources | List organization's resources. |
list-tenant-resources | List tenant's resources. |
recreate-db | Delete all data and restart the database from scratch. |
Use docker-compose to bring up the Enterprise Stack API, UI (soon) and a MongoDB database (storage of the Enterprise Stack).
You can update the version of the enterprise stack via the .env
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/walt-id/waltid-enterprise-quickstart.git
Change Working Directory
cd waltid-enterprise-quickstart
Run The Stack
docker-compose up
Once the docker-compose is running, you can visit enterprise.localhost:3000/swagger to access the Enterprise Stack APIs.
Visit docs.walt.id/enterprise-stack to learn more about features and configurations of the enterprise stack.