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Merge pull request #16 from walter-weinmann/wwe_persistance
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walter-weinmann authored Dec 6, 2016
2 parents d11f700 + f5b7386 commit 70ed709
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Expand Up @@ -13,28 +13,32 @@ A module for balanced n-ary search trees of order `n` in which each non-leaf nod


A B-Tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. The B-Tree is a generalization of a binary search tree in that a node can have more than two children. Unlike self-balancing binary search trees, the B-tree is optimized for systems that read and write large blocks of data.
A b-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. The b-tree is a generalization of a binary search tree in that a node can have more than two children. Unlike self-balancing binary search trees, the B-tree is optimized for systems that read and write large blocks of data.

This module considers two keys as different if and only if they do not compare equal (==).
Persistence and sort facilities are pluggable via `set_parameter` function. The function `sort_ascending` is used as the default sort option. If no persistence parameter given, the B-Tree is stored in the ram memory.

### Data Structure ###

{MinimumSubtrees, MaximumKeys, NumberKeyValues, SortFunction, Tree}
{MinimumSubtrees, MaximumKeys, SizeKeyValues, SortFunction/2, State, Tree}

Tree is composed of nodes of the form
`Tree` is composed of nodes of the form

{KeyNumber, SubtreeNumber, [{Key, Value}], [Tree]}

and the "empty tree" node


`State` is a tuple composed of the following parameters:

{StateTarget, DeleteFunction/3, InsertFunction/3, LookupFunction/3}

Since the trees are always balanced, there is no need for a balance operation.


b_tree() = {pos_integer(), pos_integer(), non_neg_integer(), sort_function(), tree()}
b_tree() = {pos_integer(), pos_integer(), non_neg_integer(), sort_function(), state(), tree()}

A general balanced tree.

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Order = pos_integer()
B-Tree = b_tree()

Returns a new empty b-tree. The order is defined as the maximum number of children nodes a non-leaf node may hold. The minimum value is 4. The sort order of the key values is ascending.
Returns a new empty b-tree. The order is defined as the maximum number of children nodes a non-leaf node may hold.

### enter (Key, Value, B-Tree1) -> B-Tree2 ###

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Function = fun(StateTarget, insert, Subtrees) -> Key,
Function = fun(StateTarget, lookup, Key) -> Subtrees}

Sets in the empty b-tree B-Tree1 the parameter Name to value Value and returns the new b-tree B-Tree2.
Sets in the empty b-tree B-Tree1 the parameter Name to value Value and returns the new b-tree B-Tree2. This function can only be used in conjunction with an empty b-tree.

### size_key_values (B-Tree) -> integer() >= 0 ###

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Returns the values in b-tree B-Tree as an ordered list, sorted by their corresponding keys. Duplicates are not removed.

## Pluggable Persistence Functionality ##

### Format: ###

{StateTarget, DeleteFunction, InsertFunction, LookupFunction}

StateTarget = any()

DeleteFunction(StateTarget, delete, Key) -> true

InsertFunction(StateTarget, insert, Subtrees) -> Key

LookupFunction(StateTarget, lookup, Key) -> Subtrees

Examples for state targets are a Dets table or a Mnesia table. The delete function takes a state target, the atom `delete` and a key as arguments and returns the atom `true` if successful. The insert function takes a state target, the atom `insert` and a subtrees data structure as arguments and returns a key if successful. The lookup function takes a state target, the atom `lookup` and a key as arguments and returns a subtrees data structure if successful.

### Example functions: ###

The following examples is based on Mnesia.

persistence_by_mnesia(_, delete, SubtreesKey) when is_list(SubtreesKey) ->
persistence_by_mnesia(StateTarget, delete, SubtreesKey) ->
F = fun() ->
ok = mnesia:delete({StateTarget, SubtreesKey}),
mnesia:activity(transaction, F);
persistence_by_mnesia(_, insert, []) ->
persistence_by_mnesia(StateTarget, insert, [{_, _, [{Key, _} | _], _} | _] = Subtrees) ->
SubtreesKey = list_to_binary(Key),
F = fun() ->
ok = mnesia:write(StateTarget, #subtrees{subtreesKey = SubtreesKey, subtrees = Subtrees}, write),
mnesia:activity(transaction, F);
persistence_by_mnesia(_, lookup, SubtreesKey) when is_list(SubtreesKey) ->
persistence_by_mnesia(StateTarget, lookup, SubtreesKey) ->
F = fun() ->
[{subtrees, SubtreesKey, Subtrees}] = mnesia:read(StateTarget, SubtreesKey),
mnesia:activity(transaction, F).

### Example usage: ###

Creating the Mnesia table:

-record(subtrees, {subtreesKey, subtrees}).
{atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(StateTargetName, [{record_name, subtrees}]),

Creating the b-tree:

BTree1 = b_trees:empty(500),
BTree2 = b_trees:set_parameter(BTree1, state, {StateTargetName, fun persistence_by_mnesia/3, fun persistence_by_mnesia/3, fun persistence_by_mnesia/3}),

## Pluggable Sort Functionality ##

### Format: ###

FunctionName(Key1, Key2) -> equal | greater | less

Key1 = Key2 = any()

The sort function takes two keys as arguments and returns the atom `less` if Key1 < Key2, the atom `greater` if Key1 > Key2 and the atom `equal` else wise.

### Example function: ###

-spec sort_descending(key(), key()) -> sort_result().

sort_descending(Key_1, Key_2) ->
Key_1 < Key_2 -> greater;
Key_1 > Key_2 -> less;
true -> equal

### Example usage: ###

BTree1 = b_trees:empty(500),
BTree2 = b_trees:set_parameter(BTree1, sort, fun sort_descending/2),

## See Also ##

Additional documentation for **b_trees** is available here: [Wiki](
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/b_trees.erl
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%% Some types.

-type b_tree() :: {pos_integer(), pos_integer(), non_neg_integer(), sort_function(), any(), tree()}.
-type b_tree() :: {pos_integer(), pos_integer(), non_neg_integer(), sort_function(), state(), tree()}.

-type delete_function() :: fun((state_target(), 'delete', subtrees_key()) -> 'ok').
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