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Testing with EUnit

walter-weinmann edited this page Oct 27, 2017 · 7 revisions

1. Test Cases

Generic tests on demand (script: syparse_generator.bat):

All the test cases are also documentation of the current support.

2. Running Test Cases

  • SET SOURCEUNIT=<test> and run with rebar3 eunit skip_deps=true one specific test.tst file from the test/ folder.
  • SET LOG=0,1,2,3,4,5 and enable with rebar3 eunit skip_deps=true different types of logging, one or more of the following logging levels can be enabled (default is 0):
level type
0 only errors
1 test cypher
2 parse tree of test cypher
3 fold cypher
4 parse tree of fold cypher
5 unused
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