🪄 Enhancements
Better performance when downloading a CSV for large tables. T table with 40,000 rows in under 2 seconds!
3D Point Cloud bounding boxes - increase max number of labels the user can filter on in UI
Enable renaming color legend in panelplot
Enable Tables group by
for multiple columns at a time
Make registry sidebar collapsible with cleaner styling
Add button to copy invite link in Team Settings Page
Add DISABLE_BUCKET_ATTRIBUTION env variable to fix certain 3rd party s3 object stores
🔨 Fixes
Fix runs stability when a team project with the same name is deleted
Improve robustness when uploading images data
Fix error when using views resolver for shared views
Make graphql always return a string for to improve UI robustness
Scroll members table into view when clicking Invite Team Members
link on mobile
Refresh members list in team settings when deleting service members
You can’t perform that action at this time.