A log view tool that works for Android and BB10. My work used to read and analyze a huge amount of logs for bug fixing and issue locating. However, I could not find a handy log tool for this, so I created my own one:
- Fast. Works on huge logs files without UI latency.
- Connect to devices and view live logs
- Open and view log files.
- Detect and parse all Android log formats (brief, tag, raw, time, threadtime, long).
- Powerful filters. Create filter on top of other filters.
- Mutli-tab view for one log source.
- Save, restory and short-cuts for customized filters.
- Other useful tools(show time difference between logs)
Run class feiw.Slogmain
If you have problems running the class mentioned above, you can use Gradle to build the project:
Build the project by either executing
- gradlew (eg if you don't have Gradle installed)
- or the Gradle build file (build.gradle)
Execute the resulting Jar:
java -jar superlog-1.0-standalone.jar
Run with JVM option -XstartOnFirstThread (useful to run it from IntelliJ):
java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar superlog-1.0-standalone.jar