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Gradient Accumulation on tf.estimator

tf.estimator is a high level TensorFlow API, that encapsulates training, evaluation, prediction, export for serving, to provide easy configurations for training, evaluation of a variety of model architectures in different computing infrastructures.

Gradient accumulation can provide a work around to OOM (out of memory) issue, often encountered while training using a cheap GPU, by using a smaller batch size that fits within the GPU's memory (including the overhead needed for the gradient accumulation implementation).

Since tf.estimator hides tf.Graph or tf.Session from the user, in order to operate on the gradients within tf.estimator framework, we need to modify the train_op. Using tf.cond, the train_op either updates the weights of the model (ie. apply_gradients on the accumulated gradients), when the global_step is an integer multiple of the number of batches we want the gradients to accumulate over, or else simply accumulates the gradients without weight updates.

Fine-tuning BERT

CoLA task on pretrained BERT-Small using GTX1050Ti

It is recommended to use train_batch-size of 32. However I can only fit 8 samples within 4GB of GTX1050Ti with pretrained BERT-Small model. Using gradient accumulation, I am still feeding in 8 samples per batch, but accumulating the gradients over 4 steps (to mimic train_batch_size of 32). This results in less noisy loss convergence (as compared to that when using train_batch_size=8 without accumulation).

The train_op is in the create_optimizer function in of BERT.

Here are the changes for the gradient accumulation implementation:

  • I hard-code gradient_accumulation_multiplier=4, since I am running --train-batch-size=8 to mimic the recommended batch-size of 32. gradient_accumulation_multiplier is the number of batches over which the gradients are accumulated.
  • accum_grads is the variable holding the accumulated gradients (ie. this is the memory overhead for doing gradient accumulation).
  • If the global_step is an integer multiple of gradient_accumulation_multiplier, then we do apply_accumulated_gradients, otherwise we simply accumulate the gradients using tf.assign_add.
  • We divide the accumulated gradients by gradient_accumulation_multiplier before calling optimizer.apply_gradients, and we zero out accum_grads after that.
  • Gradient clipping is done to the accumulated gradient right before apply_gradients.
@@ -71,10 +71,30 @@ def create_optimizer(loss, init_lr, num_train_steps, num_warmup_steps, use_tpu):
   grads = tf.gradients(loss, tvars)
   # This is how the model was pre-trained.
-  (grads, _) = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, clip_norm=1.0)
-  train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(
-      zip(grads, tvars), global_step=global_step)
+  gradient_accumulation_multiplier= 4
+  global_steps_int = tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32)
+  accum_grads = [tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(t_var.initialized_value()), trainable=False) for t_var in tvars]
+  def apply_accumulated_gradients(accum_grads, grads, tvars):
+    accum_op=[accum_grad.assign_add(grad) for (accum_grad, grad) in zip(accum_grads, grads)])
+    with tf.control_dependencies([accum_op]):
+      normalized_accum_grads = [1.0*accum_grad/gradient_accumulation_multiplier for accum_grad in accum_grads]
+      (clippedNormalized_accum_grads, _) = tf.clip_by_global_norm(normalized_accum_grads, clip_norm=1.0)
+      minimize_op= optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(clippedNormalized_accum_grads, tvars), global_step = global_step)
+      with tf.control_dependencies([minimize_op]):
+        zero_op=[accum_grad.assign(tf.zeros_like(accum_grad)) for accum_grad in accum_grads])
+    return zero_op
+  # Create training operation
+  train_op = tf.cond(tf.math.equal(global_steps_int % gradient_accumulation_multiplier, 0),
+    lambda: apply_accumulated_gradients(accum_grads, grads, tvars),
+    lambda:[accum_grad.assign_add(grad) for (accum_grad, grad) in zip(accum_grads, grads)])
+  )
   # Normally the global step update is done inside of `apply_gradients`.
   # However, `AdamWeightDecayOptimizer` doesn't do this. But if you use


Running on GTX1050Ti


Splitting 0.99 to 0.01 of the train.csv to train and dev set, we have 554400 in the train.tsv going into BERT fine-tuning.

BERT pretrained model:

We ran BERT-Small fine-tuning without and with the gradient accumulation modification to

python bert/  --task_name=cola  --do_train=true  --do_eval=true  --do_predict=true  --data_dir=./data/ --vocab_file=./uncased_L-4_H-512_A-8/vocab.txt  --bert_config_file=./uncased_L-4_H-512_A-8/bert_config.json  --init_checkpoint=./uncased_L-4_H-512_A-8/bert_model.ckpt --max_seq_length=128 --train_batch_size=8 --learning_rate=2e-5 --num_train_epochs=3.0 --output_dir=./output/ --do_lower_case=True

With --train_batch_size=8 --num_train_epochs=3.0 and 554400 in train.tsv, we have a total of training steps: 554400*3/8=207900

Loss convergence without and with gradient accumulation We can see that the loss convergence is less noisy as expected (ie. the loss is mainly within 0.5 with the gradient accumulation vs higher or noisier otherwise).

Another example

Typical tf.estimator workflow involves specifying model_fn, which returns the ops necessary to perform training, evaluation, or predictions. This example is based on 01_Regression/09 - TF Regression Example - Housing Price Estimation + Keras.ipynb from GCP/tf-estimator-tutorial. Applying gradient accumulation in this example is practically not helpful, since the graph does not consume a lot of memory. However, I hope this example illustrates the steps for modifications of a typical train_op, which usually consists of a one-liner: optimizer.minimize.

The _train_op_fn modifications are as follow: (vs 01_Regression/09 - TF Regression Example - Housing Price Estimation + Keras.ipynb. It is defined inside model_fn function.) Please see the complete file:

  • First, we get a handle of the global_step, which will be used in the tf.cond in the train_op.
  • accum_grads is the variable to accumulate the gradients
  • If the global_step is an integer multiple of gradient_accumulation_multiplier, then we do apply_accumulated_gradients, otherwise we simply accumulate the gradients. We divide the accumulated gradients by gradient_accumulation_multiplier before calling optimizer.apply_gradients, and we zero out accum_grads after that.
  • global_step is not incremented inside optimizer.apply_gradients. It is incremented outside, for both branches of the tf.cond of the train_op.
def _train_op_fn(loss):
    """Returns the op to optimize the loss."""

    global_step = tf.train.get_global_step()

    tvars = tf.trainable_variables()
    grads = tf.gradients(loss, tvars)
    accum_grads = [tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(t_var.initialized_value()), trainable=False) for t_var in tvars]

    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()

    def apply_accumulated_gradients(accum_grads, grads, tvars):
        accum_op=[accum_grad.assign_add(grad) for (accum_grad, grad) in zip(accum_grads, grads)])
        with tf.control_dependencies([accum_op]):
            normalized_accum_grads = [1.0*accum_grad/gradient_accumulation_multiplier for accum_grad in accum_grads]
            # global_step is not incremented inside optimizer.apply_gradients
            minimize_op= optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(normalized_accum_grads, tvars), global_step = None)
            with tf.control_dependencies([minimize_op]):
                zero_op=[accum_grad.assign(tf.zeros_like(accum_grad)) for accum_grad in accum_grads])
        return zero_op

    # Create training operation
    train_op = tf.cond(tf.math.equal(global_step % gradient_accumulation_multiplier, 0),
        lambda: apply_accumulated_gradients(accum_grads, grads, tvars),
        lambda:[accum_grad.assign_add(grad) for (accum_grad, grad) in zip(accum_grads, grads)])

    # global_step is incremented here, regardless of the tf.cond branch
    train_op =, [tf.assign_add(global_step, 1)])
    return train_op

Distributed example

Is it possible to do gradient accumulation in a distributed setting? I was confused to why one would do this, once one has access to a cluster of machines. Since gradient accumulation is a form of serialization to accomodate low memory GPU, and not like data-parallelization offered by access to a cluster of resources. After some thoughts, I guess the rationale is perhaps that you have sevaral hosts, each with small memory GPU, on which you want to distribute the run. Following the example of multi-worker with estimator, I put together an example to modify the train_op to allow gradient accumulation in distributed setting. I am not sure about the memory saving though.

Here is the loss vs steps of the runs:

  • The first run is the baseline.
  • The second run is in effect doing a mini-batch of 200 but using the serialization of gradient accumulation to trade-off runtime vs memory.
  • The third run is also effectively doing a mini-batch of 200 with each parallelized worker training 100 sample per batch.
  • The forth run is also effectively doing a mini-batch of 200. Each step, two workers are running 50 samples each, and gradients are accumulated every 2 steps.

Loss convergence without and with gradient accumulation in multi worker


Gradient accumulation on tf.estimator






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