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With this step-by-step guide, you have everything you need to provision a bare-metal server using the Tinkerbell project.

Getting Started


  1. Get two machine, one is provisioner which it could be VM, the other one if the bare metal server you'd like to be provisioned by tinkerbell, here we call it worker node.

Use the Tinkerbell Terraform module to setup a single provisioner and worker machine

You will need a Packet account and a personal user access token, not a project-level token.

  1. You need setup the tinkerbell provision engine before working on the workflow.
curl -sLS | sh


# Fix Docker from interfering with NAT
iptables -I DOCKER-USER -i src_if -o dst_if -j ACCEPT

# Now setup NAT from the internal network to the public network
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o bond0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i bond0 -o enp1s0f1 -m state   --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i enp1s0f1 -o bond0 -j ACCEPT 

Build workflow action docker images

Customise the cloud-init stage with an SSH key from the provisioner.

Run ssh-keygen on the provisioner, then hit enter to each prompt.

Now run cat ~/.ssh/ and paste the value into the

		 - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC8TlZp6SMhZ3OCKxWbRAwOsuk8alXapXb7GQV4DPwZ+ug1AtkDCSSzPGZI6PP3rFILfobQdw6/t/GT3TKwQ1HY2vYqikWXG7YjT6r5IlsaaZ6y3KAuestYx2lG8I+MCbLmvcjo4k2qeJuf2yj331izRkeNRlRx/VWFUAtoCw2Kr2oZK+LbV8Ewv+x6jMVn9+NgxmMj+fHj9ajVtDacVvyJ8cStmRmOyIGd+rPKDb8txJT4FYXIsy5URhioni7QQuJcXN/qqy4TSY+EaYkGUo2j91MuDJZbdQYniOV4ODS8At/a/Ua51x+ia6Y51pCHMvPsm7DFhK13EQUXhIGdPVY3 root@tf-provisioner

Each image from 00-07 will be created as a Docker image and then pushed to the registry.


Build provision images for worker

Archives will be required for:

  • rootfs
  • kernel
  • modules
  • initrd

Since we are using Packet's infrastructure, we can also use their image builder and custom repository.

A Docker build will be run to reproduce for tar.gz files which need to be copied into Nginx's root, where OSIE will serve them to the worker.

The initial Terraform uses the c3.small.x86 worker type, so use the following parameters to configure Ubuntu 18.04.

apt update && apt install -qy git git-lfs fakeroot jq
git clone
cd packet-images
git-lts install

# This will take a few minutes
./tools/ -d ubuntu_18_04 -p c3.small.x86 -a x86_64 -b ubuntu_18_04-c3.small.x86

# Now copy the output so that it's available to be served over HTTP
mkdir -p /var/tinkerbell/nginx/misc/osie/current/ubuntu_18_04
cp *.tar.gz /var/tinkerbell/nginx/misc/osie/current/ubuntu_18_04/
# ls -l /var/tinkerbell/nginx/misc/osie/current/ubuntu_18_04/
total 397756                                                                                    
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 278481368 May 19 08:54 image.tar.gz                                      
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  25380938 May 19 08:54 initrd.tar.gz                                     
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   7896480 May 19 08:54 kernel.tar.gz                                     
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  65386698 May 19 08:54 modules.tar.gz                                    

Alternatively run:

# 1. git-lfs
apt-get install git-lfs
#2. get-ubuntu-image
#3. make get-ubuntu-image executable
chmod +x get-ubuntu-image
#4. packet-save2image
#5. set packet-save2image to executable
chmod +x packet-save2image
#6. Download Dockerfile
#7. Download Image:
./get-ubuntu-image 16.04 x86_64 .
#8. Build:
docker build -t custom-ubuntu-16 .
#9. Save
docker save custom-ubuntu-16 > custom-ubuntu-16.tar
#10. Package:
./packet-save2image < custom-ubuntu-16.tar > image.tar.gz

Register the hardware

  1. Download this repo to your provisioner

  2. Use vim to modify the file to create the hardware.json file for your baremetal server


export UUID=$(uuidgen|tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")  #UUID will be generated by uuidgen
export MAC=b8:59:9f:e0:f6:8c     # Change this MAC address to your worker node PXE port mac address, it has to match.
cat hardware.json | envsubst  > hw1.json 

echo wrote hw1.json - $UUID

Now run ./ to create the hw1.json file which contains the MAC address and a unique UUID.

  1. Login into tink-cli client and push hw1.json and ubuntu.tmpl into tink You need copy both hw1.json and ubuntu.tmpl file to tink cli before you can push them into tink

3.1 Create hardware

# Run the CLI from within Docker
docker exec -it deploy_tink-cli_1 sh

# push the hardware information to tink database
/tmp # tink hardware push --file /tmp/hw1.json

Create the template and workflow

  1. Create workflow template
# Save ubuntu.tmpl to a file /tmp/ubuntu.tmpl

# Create a template based upon the output
tink template create -n 'ubuntu' -p /tmp/ubuntu.tmpl

1.1 Create workflow

# See the output from Terraform
export MAC="<MAC of your worker PXE port>"

# See tink template list
export TEMPLATE_ID="<template-uuid>"
tink workflow create -t "$TEMPLATE_ID" -r '{"device_1": "'$MAC'"}'

Reboot worker

Reboot worker node will trigger workflow starts and you can monitoring the workflow events

/tmp #  tink workflow events  f588090f-e64b-47e9-b8d0-a3eed1dc5439
| WORKER ID                            | TASK NAME       | ACTION NAME     | EXECUTION TIME | MESSAGE                         |      ACTION STATUS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | disk-wipe       |              0 | Started execution               | ACTION_IN_PROGRESS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | disk-wipe       |              7 | Finished Execution Successfully |     ACTION_SUCCESS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | disk-partition  |              0 | Started execution               | ACTION_IN_PROGRESS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | disk-partition  |             12 | Finished Execution Successfully |     ACTION_SUCCESS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | install-root-fs |              0 | Started execution               | ACTION_IN_PROGRESS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | install-root-fs |              8 | Finished Execution Successfully |     ACTION_SUCCESS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | install-grub    |              0 | Started execution               | ACTION_IN_PROGRESS |
| 90e16ddd-a4ce-4591-bb91-3ec1eddd0e2b | os-installation | install-grub    |              5 | Finished Execution Successfully |     ACTION_SUCCESS |

Important note: if you need to re-run the provisioning workflow, you need to run tink workflow create again.

Change the boot order

You now need to stop the machine from netbooting.

Go to the Packet dashboard and click "Server Actions" -> "Disable Always PXE boot". This setting can be toggled as required, or if you need to reprovision a machine.

Now reboot the worker machine, and it should show GRUB before booting Ubuntu.

The username and password are both ubuntu and this must be changed on first logon. To change or to remove the password edit ./05-cloud-init/

You can connect with the packet SOS ssh console or over SSH from the worker, the IP should be

Questions and comments

Please direct queries to #tinkerbell on Packet's Slack channel


This work is derived from a sample by Packet and Infracloud

  • Xin Wang - Initial set of fixes and adding cloud-init - tink-workflow
  • Alex Ellis - Fixed networking and other bugs, user experience & README

License: Apache 2.0

Copyright: tink-workflow authors


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