CST238 Fall 2014 Code Repository
This page contains sample code referenced in lecture or relevant to an assignment.
guessWhat.cpp: Code snippet from lecture 7; used in lab 4
homework5listtester.cpp: Main function for use with HW5
homework6listtester.cpp: Main function for use with HW6
lab6driver: Main function for lab 6
lab10emptyTester.cpp: Lab 10 test driver for the empty() method
lab10removeBackTester.cpp: Lab 10 test driver for the removeBack() method
template.cpp: Contains a skeleton .cpp file with the elements required by the course style guide
template.h: Contains a skeleton .h file with the elements required by the course style guide
Lab 5 Folder
- StringUtils.h - StringUtils class interface with method stubs
Project 2 Folder
MemoryManager.h - MemoryManager super class header file
MemoryManager.cpp - MemoryManager super class .cpp file
BestFit.h - BestFit base class header file
BestFit.cpp - BestFit base class .cpp file
FirstFit.h - FirstFit base class header file
FirstFit.cpp - FirstFit base class .cpp file
RandomNumbers Folder
rand_doubles.cpp - Example code for generating random doubles
rand_ints.cpp - Example code for generating random ints