TRANSITion is a community history project documenting the use of what was until recently the Ford manufacturing site on Wide Lane, Southampton.
The strapline, ‘From fields to Ford & beyond’, is to be included in the logo at all times.
The dimensions in the file names refer to the native width of the logo file in each case. All files include a blank area around the visible logo elements, which represents the minimum area to be kept clear of other graphic elements.
These have transparent backgrounds, may be scaled to any size, and are ideal for importing into or opening in professional graphics applications:
- transition-logo_200mm_cmyk.eps: generated in Adobe Illustrator CC2017
- transition-logo_200mm_cmyk.pdf: a PDF/X-1a compliant PDF
Ideal for use in Microsoft Office applications or, more generally, on screen:
- transition-logo_2000px_rgb.png: do not reproduce in print larger than 170mm wide
- transition-logo_1000px_rgb.png: half the resolution and one third the file size of the 2,000 pixels wide version, do not reproduce in print larger than 85mm wide
The PNG files above have transparent backgrounds and are strongly preferred to JPEG as a logo image file format, but sometimes people insist on a JPEG. For this reason, also provided is:
- transition-logo_2000px_rgb.jpg: opaque white background, do not reproduce in print larger than 170mm wide