This repository contains all the labs needed for BIO-212 (Invertebrate Zoology)
The following, is instruction for setting up everything you will need!
If you have any problems or questions, come to the DI office (Watzek 343, up the stairs to the left)
- Download the lab files
- Scroll up on this page, and click the green 'Clone or download' button
- Select Download ZIP
- Unzip the file!
- Create a Watzek Datasci account
- Navigate to Watzek Datasci
- Click 'sign in', and sign in using your lclark email address and password
- When prompted, create a new password for datasci
- we recommend using your lclark password, so you don't forget it
- Click 'Jupyter Notebooks'
- Upload files to Jupyter
- Click 'upload' on the upper-right side of the page
- Select each lab (Lab 1-8)
- For each lab, select Upload
- Yay! You're done!
Markdown lets you add formatting to text such as italics, bold, Colored Text (doesn't work here), Links, and more!
By learning a little bit of syntax, you can use this tool to turn plaintext directly into HTML (what websites are made of). This document and all of the labs are made using markdown.
To start using markdown in Jupyter:
- On Click 'New' and select a language from the 'Notebook'section (Python 2, Python 3, R, SageMath, it doesn't really matter for our purposes).
- You will be taken to a new webpage containing the notebook you just created
- Select the sole cell on the page, and select Cell > Cell Type > Markdown from the top menu
- Select the input section of the cell and you can type freely
To Create a new Cell
Insert > (Above or Below) or press 'a' or 'b'
To Run a Cell (Render the Markdown)
Cell > Run Cells or press shift+enter
We will cover some of the basics here, and any additional information can be found in the 'Links' section below.
To italicize text, simply surround it with '*'
don't put any spaces after the first * or before the last,
*This is italicized*
* This is not *
To bold text, surround it with two '*'
again, beware the spaces
**This is Bold**
** This is Not**
To add a header, prepend the text with #
You can add multiple #'s to make the header smaller/less important
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
remember the space after the #'s!
#This is not a header
To add color to text surround with font tags
prepend the text with <font color="MyColor">,
and append </font>
and change MyColor to a color of your choice
only some colors are supported, including:
if you want to make text bold/italic/header and colored, put the *,**,# on the outside of the <font></font> tags
To make a link
For each link there two parts, the stand-in text, and the actual link!
the stand-in text is what will be visible, and when it is clicked it will redirect to the actual link!
Use this formatting:
[stand-in text](the actual link)
For an image, put an ! before it all

To make lists
*, -, + all work for bullets, remember a space after the bullet
* list item 1
* another 1
- you get it
For ordered lists, just use numbers and a '.' instead
you don't even have to use the correct numbers
1. First item
2. Second
3. Third
9. Fourth
10. Fifth
the numbers will be displayed as 1,2,3,4,5
The 'Links' section below has some links to websites that go over all of the markdown syntax.