GMAP is an algorithm to call topologically associating domains (TAD) and subdomains (subTAD) from normalized Hi-C data. It's implemented through a R package rGMAP.
- Download source codes here and In R type:
install.packages('path to rGMAP_1.4.tar.gz', type = 'source', rep = NULL)
- The latest rGMAP was built under R-3.5.1
For a single chromosome, a HiC contact matrix hic_obj supports three types of format:
- a 3-column Hi-C contact matrix, corresponding to the i_th, j_th bin of a chromosom and the contact number;
- a n by n matrix, with (i,j) th element corresponding to contact number between the i_th and j_th bin of a chromosome;
- a tab or space delimited text file of the above two types of data
For multiple chromosomes, a genomic coordinate index file index_obj for HiC bin was required, and hic_obj and index_obj are compatible with HiC-Pro stype HiC matrix and index files. Both hic_obj and index_obj supports R data frame/data table and tab/space delimited files
- An example of index_obj (chromosome start end id) in 10kb resolution:
chr1 0 10000 1 chr1 10000 20000 2 chr1 20000 30000 3 ......
- An example of corresponding 3-column hic_obj file (bin_i bin_j count):
10 11 1.15 10 15 1.89 15 20 2.20 ......
- data frames providing the genomic coordinates of the identified hierarchical domains
- the final parameters for calling TADs
- Detailed vignette for the latest version 1.4.
- A quick instruction and example:
## use an example data from Rao et al. (2014 Cell)
hic_rao_IMR90_chr15 # normalized Hi-C data for IMR90, chr15 with resolution 10kb
res = rGMAP(hic_rao_IMR90_chr15, resl = 10 * 1000)
## quickly visualize some hierarchical domains
pp = plotdom(hic_rao_IMR90_chr15, NULL, res$hierTads, NULL, 5950, 6950, 30, 10000)
## for more information of usage of plotdom
A dockerized commad line version was posted Here
The detailed information of GMAP algorithm is described in the following paper: