In memory of Riverbot
This is a project to revive the old bot called "riverbot" which was a bot written by Python(?). It had a simple !insult function were you could insult people with in an IRC-channel. The soruce code from riverbot is lost, however, I had a backup of insults.txt. I've taken the liberty to rewrite the entire bot in GO.
Edit the top part in insultbot.go with your server settings:
// IRC server settings
bot := irc.NewBot(
"xxx:yyyy", // Server:port
"nick", // Nick
"user", // User
"#channel", // Channel
"", // Channel password
Create a directory called files/ and create a file called insults.txt in that dir.
go run insultbot.go
Set debug bool to true or false in insultbot.go to recive debug into to stdout
// Debug output to stdout
debug := true