A music retrieve demo in Python
This project is running in Python3.x, and please enusre following packages are installed:
- librosa
- pyaudio
- wave
- numpy
- dtw
(1) Put the music library in folder music_base
, during which the algorithm will recognize the playing music and output a similiar music, the supported format is .wav
(2) Run script librosa_music.py
, a music retrieve database is created and stored as beatDatabase.npy
(3) Make sure the microphone on your computer works fine. Run script librosa_main.py
, and in the meanwhile play a song on your smart phone, the mactched song can be recognized in 20 seconds.
Music signals in library->beat time extraction->beat feature->beat database
Music signals in the air->beat time extraction->beat feature->sequence match using dtw
->output the song with minimum distance
http://librosa.github.io/librosa/generated/librosa.beat.beat_track.html#librosa.beat.beat_track https://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/projects/beattrack/