Sequential Decision Problem Modeling Library @ Castle Lab, Princeton Univ.
Requires Python 3 and the following packages:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- xlrd
The following problem models are implemented in the subdirectories. Each implementation contains three components:
- model: implements simulator based on how the problem is modeled
- policy: implements decision-making policy functions
- driver: runs the simulator and the policy
To test drive, run the driver script.
- Donghun Lee: [email protected] (dhl)
- Grace Lee: [email protected] (or [email protected]) (gl)
- Joy Hii: [email protected] (jh)
- Robert Raveanu : [email protected] (rr)
- Raluca Cobzaru: [email protected]
- (agraur)
- (ckn)
- Juilana Nascimento: [email protected] (jn)