An NUS navigation mobile app built by Team GoBigorGoHome for Orbital Project.
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For most NUS students and staff, navigating from blocks to blocks in NUS have always been difficult and not as straightforward as navigating on the road. There are also many times we found ourselves arrive at the correct block, but were unable to find the exact location of the classroom in the building.
Back2Campus aim to serve as a navigation aider by providing additional features that are absent from existing navigation solutions to enhance users' navigation experience within the campus.
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Follow the guide at
Android Studio
- Included in the Flutter installation guide above.
- Alternatively, install at
Android Emulator
- Included in the Flutter installation guide above.
- Alternatively, connect a device to Android Studio.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Open project in Android Emulator
Android Studio > File > Open
- Update package dependencies
flutter pub add supabase_flutter flutter pub add image_picker flutter pub add flutter_quill flutter pub get
- Start the emulator/mobile device, and run the application from Android Studio.
- Email Authentication
- Location Display on Static Map
- Building Internal Layout
- Layout Listing
- Layout Uploading by Users
- Route Sharing Area
- Shared Routes Listing
- Single Shared Route Viewing
- Route Sharing by Users
- User Profile
- Update Profile Picture
- Update Quote
Download from Google Drive
SHA256 - FBEBFF2B91407D8CEAADDC9AE73D7F213F768B652194C15B032BAE8D0E97914E