composer require wddyousuf/paperfly
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Wddyousuf\Paperfly\PaperflyServiceProvider
php artisan config:cache
This will create a courier.php in the config/ directory. Set your desired provider as default_provider and fill up the necessary environment variable of that provider.
Set .env configuration
use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;
"OrderNo" => "111111",
"MerchantName" => "Mr. X",
"MerchantAddress" => "Test",
"MerchantThana" => "Dhanmondi",
"MerchantDistrict" => "Dhaka",
"MerchantPhone" => "017xxxxx",
"SizeWeight" => "standard",
"productDetails" => "Usb Fan",
"packagePrice" => "0",
"deliveryType" => "regular",
"CustomerName" => "Mr. Y",
"CustomerAddress" => "Road 27, Dhanmondi",
"CustomerThana" => "Adabor",
"CustomerDistrict" => "Dhaka",
"CustomerPhone" => "017xxxxx",
"max_weight" => "10",
$response = PaperflyCourier::sendRequest($OrderInformation);
//Collect Thana list from paperfly
//Collect District list from paperfly
// max_weight is only for weight Enabled Pickup Request
//If Thana and District doesn't match with paperfly list,It will occur error
use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;
$response = PaperflyCourier::trackOrder($orderId);
use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;
$response = PaperflyCourier::courierInvoice($orderId);
use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;
$response = PaperflyCourier::CourierOrderCancel($orderId);
If you feel something is missing then make a issue regarding that. Your can pull reques. If you want to contribute in this library, then you are highly welcome to do that....