Safe control of unknown dynamic systems with reinforcement learning and model predictive control
---Pre_training--- first main file for the pre-training phase where the safety layer's immediate constraint functions are trained
---Training_MPC--- main file for the system identification main file for the MPC training and test containing the class MPC, where control strategy is implemeted system identification has to be evaluated first
---Training_RL--- main file for the the RL training and test containing the class DDPG, where the actor-critic method is implemented when using the safety layer, the pre-training phase has to be evaluated first
---Buffer--- contains the class, where the training data is stored during the training of the RL algorithm
---Disturbances--- contains different sources of disturbances
- external_disturbnaces_old.m -> original disturbance, used for test
- external_disturbances_normal.m -> normally distributed disturbance in the same range as the original values
- external_disturbances_randn.m -> uniform distributed disturbance in the same range as the original values
---Model--- contains the model of the system
---Neural_Network--- contains a class for the actor, a class for the critic network and a class for a general network
---Normalize--- realizes functions for the min-max normailzation and renormalization for the data used for neural networks
---Integrate a new model--- To integrate a new model in the structure, the file has to be changed. init: Here, the matrices and dimensions are defined. step: Here, the system equations are described and executed. All other functions in the file have to be adapted to possible changes of the new model parameters.
In the Pre_trainig, the constraints of the states have to be adapted to the new model.
In the Training_RL phase, again the constraints have to be adapted in the Main file and in the DDPG file.