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WordPress reCaptcha Integration

This is the official github repository of the WP reCaptcha integration plugin plugin. This repo might contain untested and possibly unstable or insecure code. So use it on your own risk.


  • Secures login, signup and comment form with a recaptcha.
  • Supports visible Google recaptcha. Invisible recapture planned.
  • Tested with up to WP 4.8, WooCommerce 2.3.5, cformsII 14.14
  • Can be used together with Ninja Forms and Contact Form 7 recaptchas.

Plugin API

Action wp_recaptcha_checked

Fires after a recaptcha has been checked.


// will redirect to when captcha test fails.
function my_recaptcha_checked( $check_successful ) {
	if ( ! $check_successful )
		wp_redirect( '' );
Real World Example

Disable captcha if it has been solved once.

// safely start a session
function my_session_start( ) {
	$sid = session_id();
	if ( empty( $sid ) ) {

// don't requiere captcha, if session says so
function my_wp_recaptcha_required( $is_required ) {
	if ( isset( $_SESSION['recaptcha_solved'] ) && $_SESSION['recaptcha_solved'] )
		return false;
	return $is_required;
add_filter('wp_recaptcha_required' , 'my_wp_recaptcha_required');

// store in session if captcha solved
function my_wp_recaptcha_checked( $check_successful ) {
	if ( $check_successful )
		$_SESSION['recaptcha_solved'] = true;

Filter wp_recaptcha_required

Returns whether to show a recaptcha or not.

// will disable recaptcha for nice spambots
function my_recaptcha_required( $is_required ) {
	if ( is_nice_spambot() )
		return false;
	else if ( is_ugly_spambot() )
		return true;
		return $is_required;

Filter wp_recaptcha_disabled_html

HTML to be showed when entering a recaptcha is not required.

// will disable recaptcha for nice spambots
function my_recaptcha_disabled_html( $html ) {
	return 'Not for you, my friend!';

Filter wp_recaptcha_language

Override the recaptcha language attribute. Possible return values are depending on the languages supported by the current captcha flavor.

Note: This filter is used internally in order to set the language according to the current WP language. I cannot imagine a real-world use case, but for the sake of completeness I documented it here.

// will set language to french if language is german
// (French is considered a very elegant and pleasing language in germany,
// your vistors from DE will love you for it!)
function my_recaptcha_language( $lang ) {
	if ( $lang == 'de' )
		return 'fr';
	return $lang;

Filter wp_recaptcha_do_scripts

Use this to disable loading of the recaptcha scripts.

// Will disable script loading on the frontend
if ( ! is_admin() && ! in_array( $GLOBALS['pagenow'], array( 'wp-login.php', 'wp-register.php' ) ) )

Filter wp_recaptcha_print_login_css

Use this to disable the css on the login page.

// Will disable plugin css on the login page

Filter {$feature}recaptcha_html

I order to integrate recaptcha in your custom forms, there are six filters added in order to get the recaptcha HTML:

  • recaptcha_html
  • lostpassword_recaptcha_html
  • login_recaptcha_html
  • signup_recaptcha_html
  • comments_recaptcha_html
  • wc_checkout_recaptcha_html

Use apply_filters('feature_recaptcha_html','') to retrieve the HTML.

// $recaptcha_html will hold the recaptcha HTML if
// a captcha validation is required AND recaptcha is enabled for comment forms
$recaptcha_html = apply_filters( 'comments_recaptcha_html' , '' );