Publisher workflow for django models and Django CMS pages.
This is a fork of andersinno/django-model-publisher-ai which is a fork of the origin jp74/django-model-publisher. | | | | |
- Django CMS page support.
- Add request/reject buttons in Django CMS toolbar.
- Django CMS placeholders support.
- Hvad/Parler support.
- Restrict user access to publish functions with user permissions.
We have these three user types:
- A user with only a few rights (we call it 'reporter')
- A user with more rights (We call it 'editor')
- The superuser with all rights
The user case is following:
- 'reporter':
- can only change draft content
- can't change public content
- can't delete publisher model entries or CMS pages.
- can send a (un-)publish request to the 'editor' with a text node.
- 'editor':
- can response open publishing request from 'reporter'.
- can change drafts and public content, but only if there is no pending request.
- can delete publisher model entries or CMS pages.
- can't delete/manipulate publisher state model entries.
Permissions for 'reporter' who can only create (un-)publish requests:
... [ ] cms.publish_page ... [*] cms.add_page [*] cms.change_page [ ] cms.delete_page ... [ ] publisher.add_publisherstatemodel [*] publisher.change_publisherstatemodel [ ] publisher.delete_publisherstatemodel ... [ ] <app_name>.can_publish_<model_name> ... [*] <app_name>.add_<model_name> [*] <app_name>.change_<model_name> [ ] <app_name>.delete_<model_name> ...
Permissions for 'editor' who can accept/reject (un-)publish requests:
... [*] cms.publish_page ... [*] cms.add_page [*] cms.change_page [*] cms.delete_page ... [ ] publisher.add_publisherstatemodel [*] publisher.change_publisherstatemodel [ ] publisher.delete_publisherstatemodel ... [*] <app_name>.can_publish_<model_name> ... [*] <app_name>.add_<model_name> [*] <app_name>.change_<model_name> [*] <app_name>.delete_<model_name> ...
Important: To prevent a privilege escalation, both users must not have access to these models:
- django.contrib.auth.models.Permission
- django.contrib.auth.models.Group
- cms.models.PagePermission
See user permission tests in:
The publisher.models.PublisherStateModel used a PositiveIntegerField for the GenericForeignKey so it can only be used for models with a integer primary keys! See also:
django-ya-model-publisher | django cms | django version | python |
>=v0.6.x | 3.4.x | 1.11 | 3.5, 3.6 |
>=v0.5.x | 3.4.x | 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 | 3.5, 3.6 |
v0.4.x | 3.4.x | 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 | 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 |
Note: See travis/tox config files for current test matrix
Currently Django CMS v3.5 is not supported, yet. It's on the TODO, see: issues #10
run tests via py.test with current python/environment:
$ make test or $ ./ test or $ python tests/ test myapp
run test via tox e.g.:
$ make tox or $ ./ tox or $ tox
You can run the test environment by:
$ ./
$ ./publisher_test_project/ run_test_project_dev_server
The following steps will be executed:
- Create django users if not exists:
- A django 'superuser'
- The user editor: He can accept/reject un-/publish requests
- The user reporter: He can create un-/publish requests
- note: Both users will used the same password as the 'superuser' !
- run migration
- insert test fixtures (Create Django CMS pages)
- collect static files
- run the django development server on localhost
You can pass arguments to the helper script, e.g.:
$ ./ --help ... usage: run_test_project_dev_server [-h] [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS] [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback] [--no-color] [--ipv6] [--nothreading] [--noreload] [--nostatic] [--insecure] [addrport] ...
To 'reset' the test fixtures, run this:
$ ./publisher_test_project/ create_test_data --fresh
For a complete fresh database, just remove the sqlite file, e.g.:
$ rm publisher_test_project/publisher_test_database.sqlite3
PublisherCmsViewMixin, PublisherCmsDetailView, PublisherCmsListView
moved from:
The permission names changed! Please update your django user permissions, too.
These permissions are removed:
- direct_publisher
- ask_publisher_request
- reply_publisher_request
Please read the information above.
- *dev* compare v0.7.0...master
- v0.7.0 - 22.02.2018 - compare v0.6.9...v0.7.0
- Backwards-incompatible changes (see above)
- Remove support for Django 1.8
- NEW: Add publish links to Django CMS toolbar in PublisherCmsDetailView
- Change PublisherPageToolbar link text and add "page" to them (to differentiate them better from PublisherCmsDetailView links)
- v0.6.9 - 01.02.2018 - compare v0.6.8...v0.6.9
- Bugfix AttributeError: 'PublisherPageToolbar' object has no attribute 'current_request' if superuser edit a cms page
- v0.6.8 - 01.02.2018 - compare v0.6.7...v0.6.8
- Fix #9 Redirect after "request publishing"
- Add reply/history Links in Django CMS Toolbar (specially for page with pending requests)
- v0.6.7 - 31.01.2018 - compare v0.6.6...v0.6.7
- NEW: 'History' view in admin (e.g.: see status/history of closed request and status for users that can only create requests)
- No 404 when "reply" closed requests or deleted instance.
- v0.6.6 - 30.01.2018 - compare v0.6.5...v0.6.6
- Bugfix: redirect after "Request publishing" can result in a 404, see: issues #9
- v0.6.5 - 30.01.2018 - compare v0.6.4...v0.6.5
- Bugfix: Missing "Request publishing" toobar link on new created pages
- Add username list on test pages
- v0.6.4 - 29.01.2018 - compare v0.6.3...v0.6.4
- Hide PublisherStateModel admin actions for all non-superusers
- v0.6.3 - 26.01.2018 - compare v0.6.2...v0.6.3
- Security Fix: User without 'can_publish' permission can accept/reject requests.
- Hide 'change' PublisherStateModel admin view for all non-superusers
- Disable 'add' PublisherStateModel admin view for all users
- v0.6.2 - 02.01.2018 - compare v0.6.1...v0.6.2
- Handle publishes states with deletes instance: Add a admin view to close the request.
- Bugfix: deny editing pending request objects
- Create messages after (un-)/publish request created.
- v0.6.1 - 28.12.2017 - compare v0.6.0...v0.6.1
- remove own "unique_together": Add "publisher_is_draft" to your own "unique_together" tuple
- remove out dated manage command "update_permissions" (can be found in django-tools)
- v0.6.0 - 27.12.2017 - compare v0.5.1...v0.6.0
- refactor permissions and publisher workflow
- NEW: publisher.views.PublisherCmsViewMixin
- NEW: publisher.admin.VisibilityMixin
- bugfix django v1.11 compatibility
- Expand tests with publisher_test_project.publisher_list_app
- v0.5.1 - 20.12.2017 - compare v0.5.0...v0.5.1
- fix python package (add missing parts)
- change travis/tox/pytest configuration
- minor code update
- v0.5.0 - 19.12.2017 - compare v0.4.1...v0.5.0
- Skip official support for python v2.7 and v3.4 (remove from text matrix)
- Implement "request/reject/accept publishing" workflow with a shot messages and logging
- Add "request/reject/accept publishing" buttons to Django CMS toolbar for cms pages.
- v0.4.1 - 14.11.2017 - compare v0.4.0.dev1...v0.4.1
- Refactor test run setup
- bugfix project name
- v0.4.0.dev1 - 14.11.2017 - compare v0.3.1...v0.4.0.dev1
- Just create the fork and apply all pull requests from andersinno/django-model-publisher-ai/pull/14
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