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webBudget front-end

Welcome to the front-end application for the webBudget project!

The project is based on:

  • Vite 4
  • Vue 3
  • Tabler
  • PrimeVue

And some other fancy JS stuffs.

Project setup

Like every JS project, we use node ecosystem to set up the project:

  1. npm install - to install all dependencies (first time only)
  2. npm run dev - to run it in development mode

To lint and fix things, just: npm run lint


General questions about the project:

  • Why separate front-end and back-end? Basically because this will make people more confortable to develop inside the project, not everyone are able to work in big monolith full of files and with trick configurations to deal with. Doing like this will help beginners searching for a cool project to start with some contributions.
  • Why Vue and not React or Angular? This was more like a personal choice rather than something based on research and comparison with the options, Vue is simpler and has a good community like the others also, is faster to learn and run.
  • You did the front-end design and components? NO! I am a back-end guy and my knolodge about the fancy world of CSS and HTML is very limited, but I have good searching skills and in one of my searching sessions I found Tabler UI.
  • How can I start contributing? You can start by looking to the project board here!
  • Why you aren't using Typescript The reason is basically because I can't see a reason to use it here, but also, because when I start the version 4, it started with Vue 2 that don't have a good support for TS. I am very open to discuss that with someone and if it brings something good to the project, start to use it.