#An extension to map server response JSON to JavaScript cunstructor function object instances#
.modelTo( constructorType[, constructorHandler]);
Valid extension for:
- Array
- Object
Example Data
// JSON data returned from the server
var data = [
{ firstName: 'Paul', lastName: 'Smith', age: 31 },
{ firstName: 'Reza', lastName: 'Ford', age: 26 },
{ firstName: 'Adam', lastName: 'Ryan', age: 34 },
{ firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Simpson', age: 20 },
{ firstName: 'Sarah', lastName: 'Pyle', age: 22 }
// Person model with behaviour etc.
var Person = function( firstName, lastName, age ) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.age = age;
this.fullName = this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
Person.prototype.changeName = function( firstName, lastName ) {
this.firstName = firstName || this.firstName;
this.lastName = lastName || this.lastName;
this.fullName = this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
return this;
Person.prototype.greet = function() {
var greeting = 'Hello, my name is ' + this.fullName + ' and I am ' + this.age + ' years young!';
console.log( greeting );
return this;
Auto Construct Example
// Calling .modelTo() on the array with just the type will auto construct each
// object using the constructor
var people = data.modelTo( Person );
people[ 0 ].greet(); //Hello, my name is Paul Smith and I am 31 years young!
people[ 0 ].changeName( 'Joe', 'Assar' );
people[ 0 ].greet(); //Hello, my name is Joe Assar and I am 31 years young!
Manual Construct Example
// Calling .modelTo() on the array and including a constructor handler
var people = data.modelTo( Person, function( personData ) {
var person = new Person( personData.firstName, personData.lastName, personData.age );
person.greet(); //Hello, my name is Paul Smith and I am 31 years young!
return person;
} );
people[ 0 ].greet(); //Hello, my name is Paul Smith and I am 31 years young!
people[ 0 ].changeName( 'Joe', 'Assar' );
people[ 0 ].greet(); //Hello, my name is Joe Assar and I am 31 years young!