#What is it#
FormatWith is a simple string formatter for JavaScript that removes the need to ever concatenate strings again!
#How to use it#
- Download the lib/formatWith.min.js file and add it to your project. You now have a .formatWith() function on all strings!
Using it with sequential indexes
Without formatWith:
var cartItemCount = 4;
var cartItemsText = 'Cart(' + cartItemCount + ')';
Using formatWith:
var cartItemCount = 4;
var cartItemsText = 'Cart({0})'.formatWith(cartItemCount);
var linkTemplate = '<a href="{0}" id="{1}">{2}</a>';
var link = linkTemplate.formatWith('http://github.com', 'linkId', 'GitHub is awesome!');
Check out the fiddle for the above example : http://jsfiddle.net/GYCsQ/
Using it with objects
var chuck= {
firstName: 'Chuck',
lastName: 'Norris',
occupation: 'Bad ass',
aspirations: 'Jon Skeet'
var personTemplate = 'Name: {firstName} {lastName}<br />occupation: {occupation}<br />Wants to be {aspirations} when he grows up.';
document.getElementById('contentDiv').innerHTML = personTemplate.formatWith(chuck);
Check out the fiddle for the above example : http://jsfiddle.net/DLet7/
##What more?##
Feel free to fork the project and add any functionality you like.
##Want more ... Do less?##
If you want more functionally but don't feel up to doing the work yourself? Try one of these: http://garann.github.com/template-chooser/