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Operator for Azure Managed Service Identity inside Kubernetes (aad-pod-identity)


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Operator for Azure Managed Service Identity in Kubernetes (for aad-pod-identity)

license DockerHub Artifact Hub

IMPORTANT: Microsoft has deprecated aad-pod-identity service, please switch to azure-workload-identity

Operator for Azure Managed Service Identity (MSI) in Kubernetes, requires Azure aad-pod-identity service

Why using this app? Because it can be a security issue if developers can create AzureIdentity resources and could take over other teams Azure UserAssignedIdentity (MSI) resources.

This operator automates the process and detaches them from the developers responsibility. It looks up the configured namespaces (default configuration) and syncs AzureIdentity resources into the specified Kubernetes namespace. Then it checks AzureIdentityBinding resources for labels to bind AzureIdentity and AzureIdentityBinding together in a secure way.


  • automatically creates and maintains AzureIdentity resources in Kubernetes
  • extracts Namespace from MSI tag resource (can be configured)
  • automatically syncs AzureIdentity to AzureIdentityBinding using labels (simplifies deployments)
  • allows to configure the name of AzureIdentity and namespace settings
  • support expiry of AzureIdentity resources (use (hjacobs/kube-janitor)[])
  • leader election support (allows to run the operator multiple times with fast handover)
  • supports Namespace creation and AzureIdentityBinding creating and modification watch in Kubernetes (allows fast and intelligent sync)
  • exposes Prometheus metrics


  azure-msi-operator [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
      --debug                                debug mode [$DEBUG]
  -v, --verbose                              verbose mode [$VERBOSE]
      --log.json                             Switch log output to json format [$LOG_JSON]
      --instance.nodename=                   Name of node where autopilot is running [$INSTANCE_NODENAME]
      --instance.namespace=                  Name of namespace where autopilot is running [$INSTANCE_NAMESPACE]
      --instance.pod=                        Name of pod where autopilot is running [$INSTANCE_POD]
      --lease.enable                         Enable lease (leader election; enabled by default in docker images) [$LEASE_ENABLE]                          Name of lease lock (default: azure-msi-operator-leader) [$LEASE_NAME]
      --sync.interval=                       Sync interval (time.duration) (default: 1h) [$SYNC_INTERVAL]                           Sync using namespace watch [$SYNC_WATCH]
      --sync.locktime=                       Lock time until next sync (time.duration) (default: 5m) [$SYNC_LOCKTIME]
      --azure.environment=                   Azure environment name (default: AZUREPUBLICCLOUD) [$AZURE_ENVIRONMENT]
      --azure.subscription=                  Azure subscription ID [$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID]
      --kubeconfig=                          Kuberentes config path (should be empty if in-cluster) [$KUBECONFIG]
      --kubernetes.label.format=             Kubernetes label format (sprintf, if empty, labels are not set) (default:
      --kubernetes.namespace.ignore=         Do not not maintain these namespaces (default: kube-system, kube-public, default,
                                             gatekeeper-system, istio-system) [$KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE_IGNORE]
      --azureidentity.namespaced             Set annotation for AzureIdenity resources
      --azureidentity.template.namespace=    Golang template for Kubernetes namespace (default: {{index .Tags "k8snamespace"}})
      --azureidentity.template.resourcename= Golang template for Kubernetes resource name (default: {{ .Name }}-{{ .ClientId }})
      --azureidentity.binding.sync           Sync AzureIdentity to AzureIdentityBinding using lookup label
      --azureidentity.expiry                 Enable setting of expiry for removal of old AzureIdentity resources (use with
                                             hjacobs/kube-janitor) [$AZUREIDENTITY_EXPIRY]
      --azureidentity.expiry.annotation=     Name of expiry annotation (default: janitor/expires)
      --azureidentity.expiry.duration=       Duration of expiry value (time.Duration) (default: 2190h)
      --azureidentity.expiry.timeformat=     Format of absolute time (default: 2006-01-02) [$AZUREIDENTITY_EXPIRY_TIMEFORMAT]
      --server.bind=                         Server address (default: :8080) [$SERVER_BIND]                 Server read timeout (default: 5s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_READ]
      --server.timeout.write=                Server write timeout (default: 10s) [$SERVER_TIMEOUT_WRITE]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                 Show this help message

for Azure API authentication (using ENV vars) see


Creates and maintains AzureIdentity resources in Kubernetes in an automated and safe way when found in Azure:

Example Azure MSI:

ResourceName: foobar
ResourceGroup: barfoo
Subscription: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ClientID: df398181-f42f-41b4-b791-b1d4572be315
    # separate multiple namespaces with comma
    k8snamespace: test123

Creates Kubernetes AzureIdentity:

apiVersion: ""
kind: AzureIdentity
  name: foobar-df398181-f42f-41b4-b791-b1d4572be315
  namespace: test123
  labels: foobar barfoo xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  annotations: namespaced #optional if namespaced mode is enabled
      janitor/expires: "2021-11-28" #optional if expiry is enabled
  type: 0
  resourceID: /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/barfoo/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/foobar
  clientID: df398181-f42f-41b4-b791-b1d4572be315

Syncs to AzureIdentityBinding (to allow recreation eg in development environments)

kind: AzureIdentityBinding
    # used for sync AzureIdentity (eg. if recreated) to AzureIdentityBinding
    # if --azureidentitybinding.sync is used foobar barfoo xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  name: foobar
  namespace: test123
  azureIdentity: foobar-df398181-f42f-41b4-b791-b1d4572be315
  selector: your-selector


golang templates are used to offer flexible customization for namespace (--azureidentity.template.namespace) and resourcename (--azureidentity.template.resourcename) detection/creation, following information are available:

    Id               string
    Name             string
    Location         string
    ResourceGroup    string
    SubscriptionId   string
    ClientId         string
    TenantId         string
    PrincipalID      string
    Tags             map[string]string
    Type             string

Examples :

    # Use Azure ResourceName as AzureIdentity name (without ClientID)
      value "{{ .Name }}"

    # Use different Tag name for Namespace
      value: '{{index .Tags "namespace"}}'


This operator doesn't remove the AzureIdentity resources from your clusters to avoid any downtime because of eg. permissions issues in ServiceDiscovery. You can enable expiry annotations (AZUREIDENTITY_EXPIRY) and let them clean up with (hjacobs/kube-janitor)[].


Metric Type Description
azuremsi_sync_time Gauge Time (unix timestamp) of last sync run per Azure Subscription
azuremsi_sync_duration Gauge Duration of last sync per Azure Subscription
azuremsi_sync_resources_errors Counter Number of errors while syncing
azuremsi_sync_resources_success Counter Number of successfull syncs

AzureTracing metrics

(with 22.2.0 and later)

Azuretracing metrics collects latency and latency from azure-sdk-for-go and creates metrics and is controllable using environment variables (eg. setting buckets, disabling metrics or disable autoreset).

Metric Description
azurerm_api_ratelimit Azure ratelimit metrics (only on /metrics, resets after query due to limited validity)
azurerm_api_request_* Azure request count and latency as histogram


Environment variable Example Description
METRIC_AZURERM_API_REQUEST_BUCKETS 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 30, 60, 90, 120 Sets buckets for azurerm_api_request histogram metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_REQUEST_ENABLE false Enables/disables azurerm_api_request_* metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_REQUEST_LABELS apiEndpoint, method, statusCode Controls labels of azurerm_api_request_* metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_RATELIMIT_ENABLE false Enables/disables azurerm_api_ratelimit metric
METRIC_AZURERM_API_RATELIMIT_AUTORESET false Enables/disables azurerm_api_ratelimit autoreset after fetch
azurerm_api_request label Status Description
apiEndpoint enabled by default hostname of endpoint (max 3 parts)
routingRegion enabled by default detected region for API call, either routing region from Azure Management API or Azure resource location
subscriptionID enabled by default detected subscriptionID
tenantID enabled by default detected tenantID (extracted from jwt auth token)
resourceProvider enabled by default detected Azure Management API provider
method enabled by default HTTP method
statusCode enabled by default HTTP status code