This is a toolkit to run ONNX Runtime tasks, including artifact, conformance, performance, webgpuProfiling, ortProfiling and so on.
- artifact: Get the uniform info
- conformance: Compare the result with wasm backend
- performance: Performance test
- webgpuProfiling: Get execution time of each op
- ortProfiling: Understand the Execution Provider for each op
If you encounter cross origin issue, you may install Chrome extension "CORS Unblock" ( and enable it.
To manage OPFS (Origin Private File System), you may install Chrome extension OPFS Explorer:
Start Chrome with "--enable-dawn-features=allow_unsafe_apis,use_dxc --enable-features=SharedArrayBuffer"
- --enable-dawn-features=allow_unsafe_apis: Make timestamp query work
- --enable-dawn-features=use_dxc: Enable DXC instead of FXC for WGSL compilation
- --enable-features=SharedArrayBuffer: Enable SharedArrayBuffer otherwise you may get 'TypeError: Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number'
Start Chrome with "--enable-features=MachineLearningNeuralNetworkService --enable-experimental-web-platform-features --disable-gpu-sandbox"
If your web server supports wasm multiple threads, ort-wasm-simd-threaded.jsep.[js|wasm] will be called by ort.webgpu.min.js, which may be different from your build. You may set wasmThreads=1 to fall back to ort-wasm-simd.jsep.[js|wasm].
Some parameters are supported in url, and you may use them as 'index.html?key0=value0&key1=value1...'. Supported parameters are:
- deviceType: device type, which can be gpu or cpu
- ep: execution provider. E.g., webgpu, wasm
- layout=[NCHW|NHWC]. NHWC is the default.
- modelName: name of modelName. E.g., mobilenetv2-12
- modelUrl=[hf|server|wp-27|[url]]. Note that if you provide the url, you may fail to execute the modelName as the inputs are not defined well.
- ortUrl: ort url. Example: ortUrl= or ortUrl=gh/20231129
- runTimes: Run times
- task: task to run, while the candidates are 'conformance', 'performance', 'ortProfiling', 'webgpuProfiling'.
- updateModel=[true|false]. False (default) means no update.
- warmupTimes: Warmup times
- wasmThreads: wasm threads number
- webnnNumThreads: WebNN numThreads for cpu