- Author: Eli Gothill
- Date: 17.02.2019
- Version: 0.1
- This is a prototype Warehouse Management System (WMS) implementation. It provides a public API with CRUD methods for orders, order lists, SKUs and storages; it also exposes a fulfillment endpoint for instructions on how to fulfill an order based on available storage. (See
for the full brief).
- Python 3.7
- Django 2.1.7
- Django Rest Framework 3.9.1
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Migrate database
python wms/manage.py migrate
- Run tests
python wms/manage.py test api
- Run server on port 8000:
python wms/manage.py runserver
The application provides a public REST API for managing orders, order lines, SKUs and storage. No authorization is required. Four main API endpoints are provided for the models (see wms/api/models.py
for model defintiions):
- /api/order/
- /api/orderline/
- /api/sku/
- /api/storage/
Each endpoint accepts the standard CRUD operations via HTTP (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE). Refer to wms/api/tests.py
for example requests of every operation at each endpoint.
Note: trailing slashes are required.
The application's core service is the fulfillment API, which is responsible for providing instuctions on how to fulfill an order based on the warehouse storage state. For a list of order lines, an ordered list of picks is returned, where each pick references a quantity and storage ID. The storages used are ordered based on stock, with the storages with the least stock used first. An order for an SKU may therefore span multiple storages.
The fulfillment API is available at
- /api/fulfillment/
It accepts only POST requests. The body of the request should structured as in the following example: {lines: [{sku: 1, quantity: 2}, {sku: 2, quantity: 7}]}
Note: trailing slashes are required.
It's also possible to search for orders by customer_name
at the /api/order/
endpoint. The following search syntax is supported: /api/order/?q=query
where query
is the search term to match against the order customer_name
Search is case-insensitive and ASCII characters will match with their non-ASCII equivalents (e.g. you can search 'Muller' to find 'Müller') but not the other way round (e.g. searching for 'Jönes' will not return 'Jones').
- Implement soft delete by overriding DRF's delete methods
- Make CRUD API and fulfillment interfaces more consistent
- Return more granular error code and message when find_picks() fails