– eats all kinds of materials.
This subproject is a kind of experiment, addressed to the google/zx/issues/589. Just a testing ground for verifying ideas and approaches aimed at improve the zx architecture.
- Layered architecture:
builds a configurable exec context around thenode:child_process
implements the API for sync and async executions.x
provides the basic template-string API.
- Granularity: the package provides several entry points to help user to choose the right level of abstraction and/or to assist with tree-shaking.
- Extensibility:
- The context object at every layer is accessible fo modify.
- Typings are mostly represented by interfaces, so it's easy to tweak up if necessary.
- OS
- Linux
- MacOS
- Windows
- Runtime
- Node.js >= 6 (CJS)
- Node.js >= 12 (ESM)
- Bun >= 1.0.0
- Deno >= 1.7.0, 2.x
yarn add zurk
import {$, exec, zurk} from 'zurk'
const r1 = exec({sync: true, cmd: 'echo foo'})
const r2 = await zurk({sync: false, cmd: 'echo foo'})
const r3 = await $`echo foo`
- Promises in cmd literals
const foo = $`echo foo`
const foobarbaz = (await $`echo ${foo} ${$`echo bar`} ${await $`echo baz`}`)
- Both sync and async executions
const p1 = $`echo foo`
const p2 = $({sync: true})`echo foo`
const o1 = (await p1).toString() // foo
const o2 = await p1.stdout // foo
const o3 = p2.stdout // foo
- Configurable input
const input = '{"name": "foo"}'
const name = await $({input})`jq -r .name` // foo
const stdin = fs.createReadStream(path.join(fixtures, 'foo.json'))
const data = await $({stdin})`jq -r .data` // foo
const p = $`echo "5\\n3\\n1\\n4\\n2"`
const sorted = $({input: p})`sort` // 1\n2\n3\n4\n5
- Pipe literals
const result = $`echo "5\\n3\\n1\\n4\\n2"`
const piped0 = result.pipe`sort | cat` // '1\n2\n3\n4\n5'
const piped1 = result.pipe`sort`.pipe`cat` // ...
const piped2 = (await result).pipe`sort`
const piped3 = result.pipe($`sort`)
- Pipe splitting
const result = $`echo 1; sleep 1; echo 2; sleep 1; echo 3`
const piped1 = result.pipe`cat`
let piped2: any
setTimeout(() => {
piped2 = result.pipe`cat`
}, 1500)
await piped1
assert.equal((await piped1).toString(), '1\n2\n3')
assert.equal((await piped2).toString(), '1\n2\n3')
- Presets
const $$ = $({sync: true, cmd: 'echo foo'})
const $$$ = $$({cmd: 'echo bar'})
const p1 = $$() // foo
const p2 = $$$() // bar
const p3 = $$`echo baz` // baz
- AbortController
const ac = new AbortController()
const p = $({nothrow: true, ac})`sleep 10`
setTimeout(() => {
ac.signal.abort() // or just `p.abort()`
}, 500)
const { error } = await p
error.message // 'The operation was aborted'
- Stdout limit
import {type TSpawnStore, $} from 'zurk'
const getFixedSizeArray = (size: number) => {
const arr: any[] = []
return new Proxy(arr, {
get: (target: any, prop) =>
prop === 'push' && arr.length >= size
? () => {}
: target[prop]
const store: TSpawnStore = {
stdout: getFixedSizeArray(1),
stderr: getFixedSizeArray(2),
stdall: getFixedSizeArray(0)
const result = await $({store})`echo hello`
result.stdout // 'hello\n'
result.stdall // ''