This is a PyTorch implementation of reinforcement learning methods (A2C, PPO) in robot manipulation tasks.
For now, the task is robot holding. The robot used is Baxter and the simulation environment is Gazebo.
- Run simulation environment:
cd catkin_ws
. ./ sim
roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch
- Load humanoid model:
roslaunch baxter_hug humanoid.launch
rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui
publish to topic "/humanoid/left_joint_position_controller/command" 0.125*sin(i/200)+0.125
- Training
cd robot-manipulation-DRL
python scripts/ --algo 'a2c'
- Test
cd robot-manipulation-DRL
python scripts/
- baxter simulator:
Install baxter simulator as:
- gazebo-plugins: (seems useless)
git clone
catkin_make --pkg roboticsgroup_gazebo_plugins
- For indigo:
git clone
git checkout indigo-devel
modify joint_position_controller.cpp:
if (!urdf.initParam("humanoid/robot_description"))
if (!urdf.initParam("robot_description"))
ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file");
return false;
catkin_make --pkg velocity_controllers