Dockerfile to build a Docker image for DICOM tools and utilities. Toolboxes include dicom3tools, dcmtk, dcm4che2, and dcm4che3.
Docker images and containers (a running image) are similar to virtual machines except that the container operating system (OS) matches the host OS. That allows the container to be managed like a process with no boot-up required. This makes running an application in a container efficient and fast compared to using a virtual machine.
Currently Docker containers run natively on Linux. On Mac OS X and Windows, a lightweight Linux virtual machine is required to run the Docker daemon. Docker support for Mac OS X and Windows is available using the Docker Toolbox.
File input/output is handled using shared mounted volumes between the host and the container. Due to limitations of docker volume mounting when the host OS is not Linux, the installation of docker_dicom_tools is recommended to be under the user's home directory. To process data, the user should change to the directory on the host OS to the directory holding the input data (which should also be under the user home directory) before invoking the
(or dicom_tools_run.bat
on Windows) script.
- Install docker.
Linux installation from the command line
wget -qO- | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker <YOUR_USERNAME>
Mac OS X or Windows
Download and install Docker Toolbox.
- Open a command prompt terminal.
Linux : open a normal terminal window
Mac OS X or Windows : open Docker Quickstart Terminal application
- Download this git repository to your home directory.
git clone ~/docker_dicom_tools
- Add the path to
to thePATH
environment variable. Below it is assumed you cloned the git repository into your home directory.
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/docker_dicom_tools' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
Mac OS X
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/docker_dicom_tools' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Windows Powershell
$PATH = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")
$DICOM_TOOLS_HOME = "C:\Users\$USER\docker_dicom_tools\"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$PATH;$DICOM_TOOLS_HOME")
- Use the
on Windows) script to run available DICOM tools (listed below) within the docker container. The first time the script is run will cause the welcheb/dicom_tools image to be downloaded from The download is approximately 375 MB and may take some time to download depending on your internet connection speed.
Show example version messages dcuidchg -version dcm2pdf --version dcmsnd --version dcm2json --version
Note that some tool names, e.g., dcm2xml
, appear in multiple tool boxes and a full path to the exact executable you want may be necessary. The order of precedence is dcm4che3 > dcm4che2 > dcmtk.
# dcm4che3 dcm2xml --version
# dcm4che2 /dcm4che-2.0.29/bin/dcm2xml --version
# dcmtk /usr/bin/dcm2xml --version
Convert multiframe enhanced MR DICOM to classic DICOM. Input and output of files is via the present working directory in which
is invoked.
cd ~/docker_dicom_tools/dicom_examples dcuncat -output-file DCM_CLASSIC_MR_SURVEY -framesper 1 DCM_ENHANCED_MR_SURVEY
available in /usr/local/bin
ancp dcfile dcsrmrg gendump pqdump
ancreate dchist dcstats gentodc pqsplit
andump dciodvfy dcsub gentopgm pqtodc
antodc dckey dctable himrdump rawarith
binpatch dclutburn dctopdf himrtodc rawdiff
bmpdump dclutdmp dctopgm8 imtndump rawftodc
dcarith dclutmix dctopgx imtntodc rawmask
dcbriggs dcmerge dctopnm jpegdump rawnjl
dcburn dcmkpres dctoraw jpegsplit rawnjl2
dccomb dcmulti dcuidchg pacedump rawtodc
dccp dcortho dcuncat pacetodc sgndump
dcdecmpr dcostosr dcunmeta pacetopgm sgntodc
dcdict dcposn dumptiff pbmswbit sgntopgm
dcdirdmp dcpost dumpwhat pbmtoovl shimdump
dcdirmk dcproj gawdump pdftodc shimtodc
dcdisp dcrmmeta gawtodc pgmtobmp sompdump
dcdtchg dcsmpte ge9800dump pgxtodc somptodc
dcdump dcsort ge9800todc pnmpred somtopgm
dcencap dcsqextr ge98id pnmtodc syttopgm
dcentvfy dcsrdump ge98topgm pnmtoraw vsntopgm
available in /usr/bin
dcm2pdf dcmdump dcmprscu dcmsign pdf2dcm
dcm2pnm dcmftest dcmpschk dcod2lum storescp
dcm2xml dcmgpdir dcmpsmk dconvlum storescu
dcmcjpeg dcmj2pnm dcmpsprt dsr2html termscu
dcmcjpls dcml2pnm dcmpsrcv dsr2xml wlmscpfs
dcmconv dcmmkcrv dcmpssnd dsrdump xml2dcm
dcmcrle dcmmkdir dcmqridx dump2dcm xml2dsr
dcmdjpeg dcmmklut dcmqrscp echoscu
dcmdjpls dcmodify dcmqrti findscu
dcmdrle dcmp2pgm dcmquant img2dcm
dcmdspfn dcmprscp dcmscale movescu
available in /dcm4che-2.0.29/bin
dcm2dcm dcmhpqr dcmups logger rgb2ybr
dcm2jpg dcmmover dcmwado metaphone soundex
dcm2txt dcmmwl esoundex mkelmdic txt2dcmsr
dcm2xml dcmof esoundex2 mkuiddic xml2dcm
dcmdir dcmqr fixjpegls mkvrmap
dcmecho dcmrcv jpg2dcm pdf2dcm
dcmgpwl dcmsnd kphonetik phonem
available in /dcm4che-3.3.7/bin
dcm2dcm emf2sf ianscu phonem syslog
dcm2jpg esoundex jpg2dcm prefs2xml syslogd
dcm2json esoundex9 json2dcm probetc wadors
dcm2xml findscu kphonetik qc wadouri
dcmdict getscu metaphone qidors xml2dcm
dcmdir hl72xml mkkos soundex xml2hl7
dcmdump hl7pix modality stgcmtscu xml2prefs
dcmgen hl7rcv movescu storescp
dcmqrscp hl7snd mppsscp storescu
dcmvalidate ianscp mppsscu stowrs
Some of the above dcm4che tools, such as dcm2xml
, dcmdump
, storescp
, storescu
, xml2dcm
conflict with dcmtk tools. Use full path including specific bin
folder to avoid ambiguity in such cases, e.g., /usr/bin/dcm2xml
for dcmtk or /dcm4che-3.3.7/bin/dcm2xml
for dcmche3.
dcmche3 has precedence over dcm4che2 in the search path. To use dcm4che2 tools, use a full path such as /dcm4che-2.0.29/bin/dcm2dcm
To build the dicom_tools docker image use the included
script. After the docker image is created by the script, it is saved as a gzipped tar file dicom_tools.tar.gz
in the docker_dicom_tools/docker_save/
# build dicom_tools docker image from scratch
The dicom_tools.tar.gz
can be loaded with the following command.
docker load < ~/docker_dicom_tools/docker_save/dicom_tools.tar.gz