This installer does the following:
- Install packages:
- apache2
- mysql-server
- php8.2
- php8.2-bcmath
- php8.2-xml
- php8.2-curl
- php8.2-gd
- php8.2-mbstring
- php8.2-mysql
- php8.2-soap
- php8.2-tidy
- php8.2-zip
- php8.2-yac
- php-apcu
- php-memcached
- memcached
- phpmyadmin
- crudini
- libneon27-gnutls
- dialog
- putty-tools
- libserf-1-1
- subversion
- Setup packages.
- Creating folders structure.
- Checkouting project
- Creating database
- Setup project
- Install on Windows:
- Putty 0.70
- Subversion 1.7.9
DO NOT run this script as root. Run it under your normal user account. For actions evolving system configuration, sudo
will be used, so ensure that you are in sudoers
list and don't be surprised when the script asks for your password to activate sudo
Be sure to get the proper configuration keys using before running the script.
Expect a lot of output. You could consider adding 2>&1 | tee SomeFile.log
to log the errors and output to a file to review it later
The script will download (use and then delete) a number of files (e.g. keys, distribution files etc.) to the current directory. Ensure you have write
rights to the folder you are running the script in.
Installation script does the following:
- Does full system update (apt update && upgrade)
- Installs packages needed for the project to run:
- crudini
- mysql-server-8.2.x
- git
- aptitude
- apache2
- php8.2 (by adding ppa:ondrej/php)
- php8.2-dev
- php-pear
- pecl sync
- pecl inotify
- php8.2-bcmath
- php8.2-xml
- php8.2-curl
- php8.2-gd
- php8.2-mbstring
- php8.2-mysql
- php8.2-soap
- php8.2-tidy
- php8.2-zip
- php8.2-apcu
- php8.2-memcached
- php8.2-gearman
- php8.2-yac
- memcached
- libneon27-gnutls
- libserf-1-1
- jq
- subversion
- npm
- nodejs
- libaio1
- libaio-dev
- gearman
- Creates project folder structure
- Configures packages
- Checks out project files form the repos
- Downloads latest selenium-server.jar and chromeDriver
- Creates the databases and runs migrations on them
- Sets up the project configuration