##configuration http://sqlcipher.net/ios-tutorial
- Drag your database to the first input
- Input your key
#####When export success You can find a sqlite database named 'developer.db' on your Desktop
##Release verion is avalible on the folder 'release' if you could not using Xcode to build it,a release version is avalible on the 'release' folder
- 添加转换后open in finder
- 修复窗口不在最前的问题
- 提示使用中文
- 修复点击dock图标窗口仍然无法呼出的bug
- 添加一个status menu
- 添加remember key功能,用于储存dbkey
- 添加了 GCD
- 当转换进行中时,设置输入框为不可用
- 添加动态提示
####1.1.1 1.add an icon :)
- add decode,encode to the sqlite database
- a simple ui
- 没有使用GCD