I'm Wendy Ha, a Software Engineering and Data Science enthusiast.
I am passionate about applying programming knowledge to enhance the quality of life, particularly in the fields of healthcare π, technology π³ and climate change π
- Programming languages: Python, Java, Javascript (AJAX - JASON), PHP, HTML/CSS
- Query languages: SQL, NoSQL
- Web Frameworks: Django, Spring
- Design Patterns: MVC, MVT
- Database servers: MySQL, MongoDB
- Cloud computing platforms: Amazon Web Service
- Project management methodologies: Agile, Kanban, Scrum
- IDE: VS Code, Eclipse, Intellij, Pycharm
- Database design tools: PHP MyAdmin, MySQL Workbench
- Data visualization softwares: Tableau, Google Data Studio
- API platforms: Post man
- Git
π Contact me through Email or Linkedin.
I am also happy to discuss data science research initiatives or community activities that I can help, in addition to career prospects.