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Add lanelet2 windows #36

Add lanelet2 windows

Add lanelet2 windows #36

Workflow file for this run

- '*.yaml'
fail-fast: false
- os: ubuntu-latest
platform: linux-64
- os: cirun-linux-aarch64--${{ github.run_id }}
platform: linux-aarch64
- os: macos-13
platform: osx-64
- os: macos-14
platform: osx-arm64
- os: windows-2019
platform: win-64
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
persist-credentials: false # otherwise, the token used is the GITHUB_TOKEN, instead of your personal token
fetch-depth: 0 # otherwise, you will failed to push refs to dest repo
- uses: prefix-dev/[email protected]
environments: beta
frozen: true
# Workaround for
- name: Clean up PATH
if: contains(matrix.os, 'windows')
uses: egor-tensin/cleanup-path@v4
# cygpath in C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin is used by install micromamba
# git in C:\Program Files\Git\bin is used by pip install git+
dirs: 'C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin'
# - shell: bash -l {0}
# if: matrix.platform == 'linux-aarch64'
# run: |
# echo "::group::Configure binfmt_misc"
# docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset --credential yes
# export GIT_BRANCH="$(basename $GITHUB_REF)"
# echo "::endgroup::"
- name: Install libgl1-mesa-dev (only for linux-aarch64)
if: matrix.platform == 'linux-aarch64'
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libx11-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev
# For some reason, the Strawberry perl's pkg-config is found
# instead of the conda's one, so let's delete the /c/Strawberry directory
# Furthermore, we also need to remove an older SDK that is used and can result in compilation problems
- name: Debug pkg-config problem
if: contains(matrix.os, 'windows')
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
rm -rf /c/Strawberry
rm -rf "/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Include/10.0.17763.0/"
- name: Check what files have changed
id: filecheck
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
git fetch origin main
# continue on error
set +e
git diff --exit-code --name-only origin/main -- vinca_linux_64.yaml > /dev/null
echo "::set-output name=LINUX_YAML_CHANGED::${?}"
git diff --exit-code --name-only origin/main -- vinca_linux_aarch64.yaml > /dev/null
echo "::set-output name=LINUX_AARCH_YAML_CHANGED::${?}"
git diff --exit-code --name-only origin/main -- vinca_osx.yaml > /dev/null
echo "::set-output name=OSX_YAML_CHANGED::${?}"
git diff --exit-code --name-only origin/main -- vinca_osx_arm64.yaml > /dev/null
echo "::set-output name=OSX_ARM_YAML_CHANGED::${?}"
git diff --exit-code --name-only origin/main -- vinca_win.yaml > /dev/null
echo "::set-output name=WIN_YAML_CHANGED::${?}"
- name: Generate recipes for linux-64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.filecheck.outputs.LINUX_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'linux-64'
run: |
cp vinca_linux_64.yaml vinca.yaml
mkdir -p recipes
$HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta -v vinca --platform linux-64 -m -n
ls -la recipes
- name: Generate recipes for linux-aarch64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.filecheck.outputs.LINUX_AARCH_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'linux-aarch64'
run: |
cp vinca_linux_aarch64.yaml vinca.yaml
mkdir -p recipes
$HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta -v vinca --platform linux-aarch64 -m -n
ls -la recipes
- name: Generate recipes for osx-64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.filecheck.outputs.OSX_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'osx-64'
run: |
cp vinca_osx.yaml vinca.yaml
mkdir -p recipes
$HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta -v vinca --platform osx-64 -m -n
ls -la recipes
- name: Generate recipes for osx-arm64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.filecheck.outputs.OSX_ARM_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'osx-arm64'
run: |
cp vinca_osx_arm64.yaml vinca.yaml
mkdir -p recipes
$HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta -v vinca --platform osx-arm64 -m -n
ls -la recipes
- name: Generate recipes for win-64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.filecheck.outputs.WIN_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'win-64'
run: |
# Workaround for problem related to long paths
echo "CONDA_BLD_PATH=C:\\bld\\" >> $GITHUB_ENV
mkdir /c/bld
cp vinca_win.yaml vinca.yaml
mkdir -p recipes
$HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta -v vinca --platform win-64 -m -n
ls -la recipes
- name: Check if there are packages to be built
id: newrecipecheck
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
# continue on error
set +e
test ! -d recipes
echo "::set-output name=RECIPE_CREATED::${?}"
- name: Build recipes for linux-64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.newrecipecheck.outputs.RECIPE_CREATED == 1 && steps.filecheck.outputs.LINUX_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'linux-64'
run: |
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir additional_recipes --target-platform linux-64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir recipes --target-platform linux-64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
- name: Build recipes for linux-aarch64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.newrecipecheck.outputs.RECIPE_CREATED == 1 && steps.filecheck.outputs.LINUX_AARCH_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'linux-aarch64'
run: |
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir additional_recipes --target-platform linux-aarch64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir recipes --target-platform linux-aarch64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
- name: Build recipes for osx-64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.newrecipecheck.outputs.RECIPE_CREATED == 1 && steps.filecheck.outputs.OSX_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'osx-64'
run: |
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir additional_recipes --target-platform osx-64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir recipes --target-platform osx-64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
- name: Build recipes for osx-arm64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.newrecipecheck.outputs.RECIPE_CREATED == 1 && steps.filecheck.outputs.OSX_ARM_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'osx-arm64'
run: |
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir additional_recipes --target-platform osx-arm64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
env -i $HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir recipes --target-platform osx-arm64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
- name: Build recipes for win-64
shell: bash -l {0}
if: steps.newrecipecheck.outputs.RECIPE_CREATED == 1 && steps.filecheck.outputs.WIN_YAML_CHANGED == 1 && matrix.platform == 'win-64'
run: |
$HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir additional_recipes --target-platform win-64 -m ./conda_build_config.yaml -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing
$HOME/.pixi/bin/pixi run -e beta rattler-build build --recipe-dir recipes -m ./conda_build_config.yaml --target-platform win-64 -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge --skip-existing