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Tutorial 2

NedaRahmani edited this page Dec 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

Tutorial 2: Creating Lipid Mixture

The files needed for the tutorial can be manually downloaded here.

In this Tutorial, we are going to create a vesicle with a 50/50 mixture of POPC and DOPC in both monolayers, execute PLM using Sphere.tsi and PCG with the provided .str file as follows:

[Lipids List]

Domain 0
POPC  0.5 0.5 0.64  
DOPC  0.5 0.5 0.67
TS2CG PLM -TSfile Sphere.tsi -bilayerThickness 3.8  -rescalefactor  4  4  4 
TS2CG PCG -str input.str -Bondlength 0.2 -LLIB ./files/Martini3.LIB -defout system    

The PLM tool reads the .tsi file and extends the structure according to the specified rescaling factors. This generates a set of points based on the desired system size and lipid distribution. The PCG tool places lipids on the generated points, producing two output files:

  • system.gro: contains the coordinates and structure of the generated lipid system.
  • the topology file, which should have the following format:
;This file was generated by TS2CG membrane builder script i.e., PCG 
 [ system ] 
 Expect a large membrane 
 [ molecules ] 
; domain 0 
 ;  in the upper monolayer 
     POPC  3056     
     DOPC  3056     
; domain 0 
 ;  in the lower monolayer 
     POPC  1893     
     DOPC  1893     

You can find a script named in the tut2 folder. This script will generate a mixed POPC/DOPC vesicle and run the TS2CG outputs using GROMACS, following the steps below:

  1. Energy Minimization with Softcore Potential: Perform a short, 50-step energy minimization using the softcore potential, applying restraints to the lipid headgroups and protein backbones. Note that this step is optional and may not be necessary for all systems.
  2. Energy Minimization without Solvent: Conduct a standard energy minimization, excluding solvent from the system.
  3. Short Equilibration without Solvent: Run a brief equilibration step without solvent.

tut2 Fig. 2. Initial structure of the created mixed POPC/DOPC vesicle (left) and the vesicle after a brief vacuum simulation using GROMACS (right). Visualized with VMD.