Small demo app that uses the LastFM API to get your track history
Please make sure your read the LastFM TOS if you want to use this application
Create an Azure Storage Account
By default a container lastfmdata is expected
Change the appsettings.json file Replace "" with your LastFM API key (you can get yours at Replace "" with the storage account you created Replace "" with the key Replace or add "" entries with the usernames you want to extract information for
Install the Azure CLI: or go to
I have foreseen a Docker container at
If you want to run this on an Azure Container Instance use the following commands
az login
az group create -l westeurope -n RGLastFMReader
az container create -g RGLastFMReader --name lastfmreader --image wesback/lastfmreader --os-type Linux --cpu 1 --memory 1 --restart-policy Never --location=westeurope -e lastfmkey=<LASTFMKEY> storageaccount=<STORAGEACCOUNT> storagekey=<STORAGEKEY> lastfmuser=<USER>