Read deposits from the database that are good to credit to users and print the following 10 lines on stdout:
Deposited for Wesley Crusher: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Deposited for Leonard McCoy: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Deposited for Jonathan Archer: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Deposited for Jadzia Dax: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Deposited for Montgomery Scott: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Deposited for James T. Kirk: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Deposited for Spock: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Deposited without reference: count=n sum=x.xxxxxxxx
Smallest valid deposit: x.xxxxxxxx
Largest valid deposit: x.xxxxxxxx
./mvnw clean install dockerfile:build
./mvnw.cmd clean install dockerfile:build
this command generate the image