This project demonstrates the most common used design patterns on solidity smart contract
There are few strategies to upgrade smart contracts.
- Parameters Configuration
- Contracts Registry
- Strategy Pattern
- Pluggable Modules
Proxy or Proxy Delegate is a delegation pattern commonly used to introduce upgradability in smart contracts
Usually incorporates EIP-1967.
This proxy pattern address the function selector clashing by having admin functions on the proxy contract and logic funcions on the implementation contract. Only admins can proxy functions and users can only call implementation functions.
Universal Upgradeable Proxies (UUPS)
All the logic of upgrading the smart contract goes to the implementations contract, in this case, the function selector clashing is catch by compiler time.
Diamond Proxy
In diamond proxy solves the issues when you have a big smart contract that doesn't fit the contract maximum size abd need to break in smaller contracts using multi-implementation method besides, you can do granular upgrades.
Beacon Proxy
The Beacon pattern, stores the address of the implementation contract in a separate beacon contract. The address of the beacon is stored in the proxy contract using ERC-1967 storage pattern.
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