Easy to use parameter management, extending Strong Parameters, making them a first class citizen. Arcane provides you with helpers which guide you in leveraging regular Ruby classes and object oriented design patterns to organise and easily harnass the power of strong parameters in Rails 3 and 4.
Arcane magic is real and reliable, no cheap tricks. Inspired by Pundit
Breaking Changes - Check CHANGELOG.md
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "arcane", "~> 1.0.0"
If you are still on Rails 3, add this to your Gemfile as well:
gem "strong_parameters", "~> 0.2.0"
And then execute:
$ bundle
To install arcane, execute:
rails g arcane:install
This is how easy it is to use:
def create
@article = Article.new params.for(Article).refine
def update
@article.update_attributes params.for(@article).as(current_user).refine
def destroy
@article.update_attributes params.for(@article).on(:destroy).refine
Though, we need to do a couple of things before we can get started. First of all include Arcane
in your
controller. This will extend strong parameters with all the arcane methods you saw above in the example.
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Arcane
Before you can use the parameter methods, you need a Refinery for the model you want to pass parameters to.
Simply create the directory /app/refineries
in your Rails project. Create a Refinery your model, in this
case Article. /app/refineries/article_refinery.rb
. Create a class in that file called ArticleRefinery
You can also use the rails generator below:
rails g arcane:refinery article
Methods defined in the refinery should reflect the controller method for clarity, but can be anything you want it to be. These methods must return an array containing the same parameters you would otherwise send to strong parameters.
It can be initiated using a Struct
which accepts an object
and a user
. Arcane will automatically send
, if present to the refinery as well as the object you want to apply the parameters on.
# app/refineries/article_refinery.rb
class ArticleRefinery < Struct.new(:object,:user)
def create
[:title] + update
def update
Note, for convenience sake there is a class called Arcane::Refinery
which you can use instead of
the struct. This class gives you the basic functionality of a refinery for free.
class CommentRefinery < Arcane::Refinery; end
Next up, using the Arcane methods. There first three are; for
, as
, on
and can all be called on
an instance of rails params, chained, and in any order you want. The fourth one, refine
you call to
pull your parameters through a refinery.
- The model or object you want to filter parameters -
- The user performing the action, by defaultcurrent_user
- The action or rather, refinery method that is called -
- Wraps everything up and finds your desired filter.
refined_params = params.for(@article).as(current_user).on(:update).refine
Here's an example of how a controller can look with Arcane paramters.
class GameController < ApplicationController
def create
@game = Game.create(params.for(Game).as(user_from_location).refine)
def update
@game.update_attributes params.for(@game).as(current_user).refine
def update_many
@games = Game.find(params[:ids])
@games.each do |game|
def user_from_location
# ...
As arcane extends ActionController::Parameters you can invoke in anywhere and start toying around with the arcane methods. This is good if you have some other way of getting data in to your application outside the context of a controller.
@user, @post = User.find(1), Post.find(24)
my_params = ActionController::Parameters.new({ post: { content: "Hello" } })
If you want to delegate some behaviour to your model, you can always create your own constructor.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.refined_create(params)
class PostsController
def create
@post = Post.refined_create(params)
If you have specified no refinery action in your chain to params, Arcane tries to find out for itself what method to use. Arcane uses the action key in the rails parameters to determine the refinery method.
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
def update
@comment = Comment.find(params[:id])
@comment.update_attributes params.for(@comment)
class CommentRefinery < Arcane::Refinery
def update
As an application grows larger, you usually want to filter what parameters based on some rules, usually by checking the role of your current user or the state of the object you want to set the parameters on. Arcane easily helps you do this.
class UserRefinery < Arcane::Refinery
def update
params = [ { abuse_reports: AbuseReportRefinery.new(AbuseReport.new,user).create } ]
params += [:suspended] if user.admin?
params += [:name,:email] if user.admin? or user == object
You are able to specify a default
method in your refinery which will be prioritized if no the method
you call does not exist. If default is not specified it will be as the refinery returned an empty array.
class AmbiguityRefinery < Arcane::Refinery
def default
You are able to disable or change the root requirement. Let's say you have a sessions endpoint where you don't have your username and password parameters wrapped in a root. Now you can use the root class method and set it to nil or false and it will automatically not require it.
class SessionRefinery < Arcane::Refinery
def self.root
Or if you have a MeRefinery
for allowing certain parameters on a /me.json
which is still a user
object. You can just set a root class method on your refinery and it will use this to determine if
the requirements.
class MeRefinery < UserRefinery
def self.root
Say you have quite similar needs between two different models, one of them might even have inherited from the other. As arcane's refineries are just regular ruby models you can easily inherit from one to another and it will just work.
class Square
attr :height, :width
class Cube < Square
attr :depth
class SquareRefinery
def create
class CubeRefinery
def create
[:depth] + super
As your refinery is a class that accepts an object and a user you can invoke it on it's own. This is really good if you want your application to generate endpoints under different scenarios dynamically.
track_params = TrackRefinery.new(Track.new,User.new).create
# => [:title,:description,:duration]
track_url("{track}") + "?" + "{#{track_params.join(",")}}"
# => "http://www.music.com/tracks/{track}?{title,desc,duration}"
Currently this gem is only supported for Rails and with any of these ruby versions:
- ruby-2.0.0
- ruby-1.9.3
- ruby-1.9.2
- jruby-19
- rbx-19
- Explain Arcane::Refinery
- Write rails generators
- List features
- Add Documentation
- Add documentation for HATEOAS
- Automatic method detection
- [-] RSpec helpers to test Arcane
- [-] Configuration
git checkout -b my-new-feature
# Rails 3
env BUNDLE_GEMFILE=./gemfiles/rails3.gemfile bundle exec rspec
# Rails 4
env BUNDLE_GEMFILE=./gemfiles/rails4.gemfile bundle exec rspec
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
git push origin my-new-feature