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This library allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid using PHP.

WARNING: This module was recently upgraded from 1.1.7 to 2.X. There were API breaking changes for various method names. See usage for up to date method names.

Important: This library requires PHP 5.3 or higher.

BuildStatus Latest Stable Version

$sendgrid = new SendGrid('username', 'password');
$email    = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       setFrom('[email protected]')->
       setSubject('Subject goes here')->
       setText('Hello World!')->
       setHtml('<strong>Hello World!</strong>');



Add SendGrid to your composer.json file. If you are not using Composer, you should be. It's an excellent way to manage dependencies in your PHP application.

  "require": {
    "sendgrid/sendgrid": "2.1.1"

Then at the top of your PHP script require the autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Alternative: Install from zip

If you are not using Composer, simply download and install the latest packaged release of the library as a zip.

Then require the library from package:


Previous versions of the library can be found in the version index.

Example App

There is a sendgrid-php-example app to help jumpstart your development.


To begin using this library, initialize the SendGrid object with your SendGrid credentials.

$sendgrid = new SendGrid('username', 'password');

Create a new SendGrid Email object and add your message details.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addTo('[email protected]')->
       setFrom('[email protected]')->
       setSubject('Subject goes here')->
       setText('Hello World!')->
       setHtml('<strong>Hello World!</strong>');

Send it.



You can add one or multiple TO addresses using addTo.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addTo('[email protected]');


If you prefer, you can add multiple TO addresses as an array using the setTos method. This will unset any previous addTos you appended.

$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$emails = array("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]");


$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->setFrom('[email protected]');


$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->setFrom('[email protected]');
$email->setFromName('Foo Bar');
$email->setFrom('[email protected]');
$email->setFromName('Other Guy');


$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->setReplyTo('[email protected]');


Use multiple addTos as a superior alternative to setBcc.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addTo('[email protected]')->
       addTo('[email protected]')->

But if you do still have a need for Bcc you can do the following.

$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addBcc('[email protected]');


$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->setSubject('This is a subject');


$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->setText('This is some text');


$email   = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->setHtml('<h1>This is an html email</h1>');


Categories are used to group email statistics provided by SendGrid.

To use a category, simply set the category name. Note: there is a maximum of 10 categories per email.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addCategory("Category 1")->
       addCategory("Category 2");


Attachments are currently file based only, with future plans for an in memory implementation as well.

File attachments are limited to 7 MB per file.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->

Important Gotcha: setBcc is not supported with attachments. This is by design. Instead use multiple addTos. Each user will receive their own personalized email with that setup, and only see their own email.

Standard setBcc will hide who the email is addressed to. If you use the multiple addTo, each user will receive a personalized email showing *only their email. This is more friendly and more personal. Additionally, it is a good idea to use multiple addTos because setBcc is not supported with attachments. This is by design.

So just remember, when thinking 'bcc', instead use multiple addTos.

From-Name and Reply-To

There are two handy helper methods for setting the From-Name and Reply-To for a message

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       setReplyTo('[email protected]')->
       setFromName('John Doe')->


Substitutions can be used to customize multi-recipient emails, and tailor them for the user

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addTo("[email protected]")->
       addTo("[email protected]")->
       setHtml("Hey %name%, we've seen that you've been gone for a while")->
       addSubstitution("%name%", array("John", "Harry", "Bob"));


Sections can be used to further customize messages for the end users. A section is only useful in conjunction with a substitution value.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addTo("[email protected]")->
       addTo("[email protected]")->
       setHtml("Hey %name%, you work at %place%")->
       addSubstitution("%name%", array("John", "Harry", "Bob"))->
       addSubstitution("%place%", array("%office%", "%office%", "%home%"))->
       addSection("%office%", "an office")->
       addSection("%home%", "your house");

Unique Arguments

Unique Arguments are used for tracking purposes

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addUniqueArg("Customer", "Someone")->
       addUniqueArg("location", "Somewhere")->
       setUniqueArgs(array('cow' => 'chicken'));

Filter Settings

Filter Settings are used to enable and disable apps, and to pass parameters to those apps.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addFilter("gravatar", "enable", 1)->
       addFilter("footer", "enable", 1)->
       addFilter("footer", "text/plain", "Here is a plain text footer")->
       addFilter("footer", "text/html", "<p style='color:red;'>Here is an HTML footer</p>");


You can add standard email message headers as necessary.

$email = new SendGrid\Email();
$email->addTo('[email protected]')->
       addHeader('X-Sent-Using', 'SendGrid-API')->
       addHeader('X-Transport', 'web');


Options may be passed to the library when initializing the SendGrid object:

$options = array(
  'turn_off_ssl_verification' => false,
  'protocol' => 'https',
  'host' => '',
  'endpoint' => '/api/mail.send.json',
  'port' => null,
  'url' => null
$sendgrid = new SendGrid('username', 'password', $options);

Changing URL

You may change the URL sendgrid-php uses to send email by supplying various parameters to options, all parameters are optional:

$sendgrid = new SendGrid('username', 'password', array( 'protocol' => 'http', 'host' => '', 'endpoint' => '/send', 'port' => '80' ));

A full URL may also be provided:

$sendgrid = new SendGrid('username', 'password', array( 'url' => ''));

Ignoring SSL certificate verification

You can optionally ignore verification of SSL certificate when using the Web API.

$sendgrid   = new SendGrid(SENDGRID_USERNAME, SENDGRID_PASSWORD,  array("turn_off_ssl_verification" => true));

Sending to 1,000s of emails in one batch

Sometimes you might want to send 1,000s of emails in one request. You can do that. It is recommended you break each batch up in 1,000 increments. So if you need to send to 5,000 emails, then you'd break this into a loop of 1,000 emails at a time.

$email       = new SendGrid\Email();

$recipients = array("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]");
$names      = array("Alpha", "Beta", "Zeta");

$email->setFrom("[email protected]")->
        addSubstitution("%name%", $names)->
        setText("Hey %name, we have an email for you")->
        setHtml("<h1>Hey %name%, we have an email for you</h1>");

$result = $sendgrid->send($email);


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Running Tests

The existing tests in the test directory can be run using PHPUnit with the following command:

composer update --dev
cd test

or if you already have PHPUnit installed globally.

cd test

## Releasing

To release a new version of this library, update the version in all locations, tag the version, and then push the tag up. takes care of the rest.

#### Testing uploading to Amazon S3

If you want to test uploading the zipped file to Amazon S3 (SendGrid employees only), do the following.

export S3_SIGNATURE="secret_signature"
export S3_POLICY="secret_policy"
export S3_BUCKET="sendgrid-open-source"
export S3_ACCESS_KEY="secret_access_key"


SendGrid ( PHP helper library.






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