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sync 2017/10/08
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whitelok committed Oct 8, 2017
1 parent 8fe5ec1 commit 9d49c6e
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Showing 5 changed files with 483 additions and 1 deletion.
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,34 @@
# ldbm-image-background-remover
Remove image background automatically

Remove image background automatically with LDBM algorithmn.

*Read this in other languages: [English](, [简体中文](*

## Demo

[![LDBM Matting](](

- Run LBDMImageBackgroundRemover:

LBDMImageBackgroundRemover /path/of/image /path/of/image_tag

## Download Releases

## Build

1. Build and install [OpenCV](
2. Build and install [Eigen](
3. Install [Cmake](
4. cd ${project file}
5. mkdir build
6. cd build
7. cmake ..
8. make

## References

- Zheng Y, Kambhamettu C. Learning based digital matting[C], Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. IEEE, 2009: 889-896.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Learning Based Digital Matting 前景图像提取算法C/C++版

*其他语言版本: [English](, [简体中文](*

## 论文

author = {Yuanjie Zheng and Chandra Kambhamettu},
title = {Learning Based Digital Matting},
booktitle = {The 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
year = {2009},
month = {September--October}

## 演示




## 项目结构

-bin // 二进制可执行文件位置

-data // 用于测试图片资源

-res // README文件演示用图片

-src // 源代码
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions src/LDBM.cpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/core>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Sparse>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/SparseQR>
#include <opencv2/core/eigen.hpp>

#include "LDBM.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace Eigen;

bool showImgLBDM(0), saveImgLBDM(0);

typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> SpMat;
typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> T;

Size imgSize;

Mat matlab_reshape(Mat mat, int rows){
Mat res;
res = mat.t();
res = res.reshape(0, res.size().area() / rows);
res = res.t();

return res;

Mat matlab_colVector(Mat mat){
Mat tmp = mat.clone();
tmp = tmp.t();
tmp = tmp.reshape(0, 1);
tmp = tmp.t();
return tmp;

void resizeCol(Mat& m, size_t sz, const Scalar& s)
Mat tm(m.rows, m.cols + sz, m.type());
m.copyTo(tm(Rect(Point(0, 0), m.size())));
m = tm;

Mat createPixInds(Size sz){
Mat ap(sz.width, sz.height, CV_32SC1);

Mat_<int>::iterator it = ap.begin<int>();
Mat_<int>::iterator end = ap.end<int>();

for (int i = 0; it != end; ++it, ++i){
*it = i;

ap = ap.t();

return ap;

Mat compLapCoeff(Mat winI, double lambda){

Mat Xi, I;
Xi = winI.clone();
resizeCol(Xi, 1, Scalar::all(1));

I = Mat::eye(Xi.rows, Xi.rows, CV_64FC1);<double>(I.rows-1, I.cols-1) = 0;

Mat fenmu, F, I_F, lapcoeff;

Mat Xi_t = Xi.t();
Mat tmp1 = Xi*Xi_t;
Mat tmp2 = lambda*I;
fenmu = tmp1 + tmp2;

F = fenmu.inv(DECOMP_SVD)*tmp1;
F = F.t();

I_F = Mat::eye(F.rows, F.rows, CV_64FC1) - F;

lapcoeff = I_F.t() * I_F;

Mat tmp = lapcoeff.clone();
tmp.convertTo(tmp, CV_8S, 1, 0);

return lapcoeff;

SpMat creEigenMat(vector<int> row_inds, vector<int> col_inds,
vector<double> vals, Size sz)
std::vector<T> tripletList;

for (int i = 0; i < (int)row_inds.size(); ++i){

double x, y, v_xy;
y = row_inds[i];
x = col_inds[i];
v_xy = vals[i];


SpMat mat(sz.area(), sz.area());
mat.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());

return mat;

SpMat getLap_iccv09_overlapping(Mat imdata, Size winsz, Mat mask, double lambda){
imdata.convertTo(imdata, CV_64FC3, 1.0/255, 0);
Size imsz = imdata.size();
int d = imdata.channels();
Mat pixInds = createPixInds(imsz);

int numPixInWindow = winsz.area();
Size halfwinsz = Size(winsz.width/2, winsz.height/2);

Mat scribble_mask;
scribble_mask = (abs(mask) != 0);

Mat element(winsz, CV_8U, Scalar(1));
erode(scribble_mask, scribble_mask, element);

Mat tmp;
Point p1, p2;
p1 = Point(halfwinsz.width + 1,halfwinsz.height + 1);
p2 = Point(scribble_mask.cols-halfwinsz.width-1, scribble_mask.rows-halfwinsz.height-1);
tmp = scribble_mask(Rect(p1, p2));
tmp = 1 - scribble_mask;

int numPix4Training = sum( sum(tmp) )[0];
int numNonzeroValue = numPix4Training * numPixInWindow * numPixInWindow;

vector<int> row_inds;
vector<int> col_inds;
vector<double> vals;

int len = 0;
for (int j = halfwinsz.width; j < imsz.width - halfwinsz.width; ++j){
for (int i = halfwinsz.height; i < imsz.height- halfwinsz.height; ++i){
if (uchar a =<uchar>(i, j))

Point p1, p2;
p1 = Point(j - halfwinsz.width, i - halfwinsz.height);
p2 = Point(j + halfwinsz.width+1, i + halfwinsz.height+1);

Mat winData = imdata(Rect(p1, p2)).clone();
winData = matlab_reshape(winData, numPixInWindow);
winData = winData.reshape(1);
Mat lapcoeff = compLapCoeff(winData, lambda);

Mat win_inds = pixInds( Rect(p1,p2));
Mat rep_row = repeat(matlab_colVector(win_inds), 1, numPixInWindow);
Mat row_incre = matlab_reshape(rep_row, numPixInWindow*numPixInWindow);
row_inds.insert(row_inds.end(), row_incre.begin<int>(), row_incre.end<int>());

Mat rep_col = repeat(matlab_colVector(win_inds).t(), numPixInWindow, 1);
Mat col_incre = matlab_reshape(rep_col, numPixInWindow*numPixInWindow);
col_inds.insert(col_inds.end(), col_incre.begin<int>(), col_incre.end<int>());

lapcoeff = lapcoeff.t();
vals.insert(vals.end(), lapcoeff.begin<double>(), lapcoeff.end<double>());

SpMat res;
res = creEigenMat(row_inds, col_inds, vals, imsz);

return res;

Mat getMask_onlineEvaluation(Mat I){
Mat mask, fore, back;

mask = Mat::zeros(I.size(), CV_32SC1);

fore = (I == 255);
back = (I == 0);

mask.setTo(1, fore);
mask.setTo(-1, back);

return mask;

SpMat getLap(Mat imdata, Size winsz, Mat mask, double lambda){
cout << "Computing Laplacian matrix ... ..." << endl;
SpMat L = getLap_iccv09_overlapping(imdata, winsz, mask, lambda);

return L;

SpMat getC(Mat mask, int c){
cout << "Computing regularization matrix ... ..." << endl;

Mat scribble_mask;
scribble_mask = (abs(mask) != 0);
scribble_mask.convertTo(scribble_mask, CV_64FC1, 1.0/255, 0);

scribble_mask = matlab_colVector(scribble_mask);

int numPix = mask.cols * mask.rows;

SpMat diagnal(numPix, numPix);
diagnal.reserve(Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(numPix, 2));

for (int i = 0; i < numPix; ++i){
diagnal.insert(i, i) =<double>(i);

SpMat C = (double)c * diagnal ;

return C;

VectorXd getAlpha_star(Mat mask){
cout << "Computing preknown alpha values ... ..." << endl;

Mat alpha_star;
alpha_star = Mat::zeros(mask.size(), CV_8SC1);

alpha_star.setTo(1, mask>0);
alpha_star.setTo(-1, mask<0);

alpha_star = matlab_colVector(alpha_star);

VectorXd alpha_star_vec;
cv2eigen(alpha_star, alpha_star_vec);

return alpha_star_vec;

Mat solveQurdOpt(SpMat L, SpMat C, VectorXd alpha_star){


cout << "solving quadratic optimization proble .............." << endl;
double lambda = 0.000001;

SpMat D(L.rows(), L.cols());

SpMat b = alpha_star.sparseView();

SpMat A, alpha;
A = L + C + lambda * D;
b = C * b;

Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<SpMat> solver;
cout << "begin to factorize A" << endl;
if( != Eigen::Success)
cout << "decomposition failed" << endl;
cout << "decomposition success" << endl;

cout << "begin to solve !" << endl;
alpha = solver.solve(b);
cout << "solve success" << endl;

Mat alpha_mat;
eigen2cv(MatrixXd(alpha), alpha_mat);
alpha_mat = alpha_mat.t();
alpha_mat = alpha_mat.reshape(0, imgSize.width).t();

alpha_mat = alpha_mat * 0.5 + 0.5;

alpha_mat = max(min(alpha_mat, 1), 0);

return alpha_mat;

Mat learningBasedMatting(Mat imdata,Mat mask){
Size winsz = Size(3, 3);
int c = 800;
double lambda = 0.000001;

SpMat L, C;
VectorXd alpha_star;

L = getLap(imdata, winsz, mask, lambda);

C = getC(mask, c);

alpha_star = getAlpha_star(mask);

Mat alpha = solveQurdOpt(L, C, alpha_star);

return alpha;

Mat LBDM_Matting(Mat imdata, Mat raw_mask){
imgSize = imdata.size();

double duration;
duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount());
string file_name,
path_im, path_mask, path_save, file_extend,
fn_im, fn_mask, fn_save;

path_save = "res";
fn_save = path_save + file_name;

Mat mask = getMask_onlineEvaluation(raw_mask);

Mat alpha = learningBasedMatting(imdata, mask);

duration = static_cast<double>(getTickCount())-duration;
duration /=getTickFrequency();
cout << "using:" << duration << "s" << endl;

return alpha;

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