A mixin for extending ampersand-view with this.$ and this.$el known from Backbone views. This makes migrating Backbone or HumanJS views to Ampersand a bit easier. Includes a dependency to jQuery 2.
npm install ampersand-view-jquery-mixin
This will load jQuery via require()
var View = require('ampersand-view');
var jqueryMixin = require('ampersand-view-jquery-mixin');
module.exports = View.extend(jqueryMixin, {
sampleMethod: function () {
// now we've got jQuery helpers
this.$( ... );
// ...
This will use an existing window.$ so that not another copy of jQuery is loaded.
var View = require('ampersand-view');
var jqueryMixin = require('ampersand-view-jquery-mixin/no-bundled-jquery');
module.exports = View.extend(jqueryMixin, {
// ...