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Self Hosting

evan_ edited this page Jan 14, 2023 · 5 revisions

We strongly advice against self-hosting Kazwire as the site files are extremely large and the site gets constant updates and bug fixes that you will need to stay up-to-date on if you host yourself. If you still want to host the site however here are some ways to do it.

Docker (currently the only one supported)

You must clone this repository on a server that you are comfortable hosting with. Follow the following instructions to complete the installation. The following instructions are assuming you are using Ubuntu.


  • Ensure that ports 80 and 443 are open.
  • Ensure your domain name is setup and pointed to your server. Use an A record on the root domain (this is usually signified with @). If you don't know your server's I.P. address you can check by running curl
  • Update the package sources list with the latest versions of the packages in the repositories by running sudo apt-get update.
  • Install the following programs:
    • Git (sudo apt-get install git)
    • Docker Compose (sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin)
    • Nano (sudo apt-get install nano)
    • Docker (you can use the convivence script below to install Docker)
curl -fsSL -o
DRY_RUN=1 sudo sh ./


  • Clone the repository (git clone
  • Run the script as root (sudo bash
  • Follow the instructions that the script provides.
  • Have fun using your new proxy/games site!

Auto-Install Script

If you are using Ubuntu server and are comfortable using an auto-install script then you can use

Just run sudo bash and follow the prompts given.


To update the website you need to do the following:

  • Update the repo in kazwire cd [folder-where-everything-is]/kazwire && git pull
  • Build the image again sudo docker compose build kazwire
  • Finalize the update sudo docker compose up -d kazwire