Bring Anime4K filter to all the 2D anime you love on Bilibili!
Load and enable Bilibili_Anime4K.js in your TamperMonkey and switch to HTML5 player. Tested on Chrome 77. Note that this should only be enabled on 2D anime since the filter just isn't fit for other type of videos.
If you want to disable filter for some video just disable the script in your TamperMonekey (since I haven't made a control panel yet... PRs are welcome).
Actually it is just a filter, not a super-resolution algorithm, so don't have a super high expectaion on super-low resolution like 360p. However, if you are running 720p or higher it actually would have a better viewer experience with sharper lines and colors (and of course, lagging your computer).
FYI, I've uploaded the original screenshot of both in the "images" folder.
- Switch scale automatically based on video quality.
- Support more sites (like ACFun, whatever).
- It would be dramatically slow if you set scale to 2.0 while watching 1080p resolution on laptops.
This repository contains code from Anime4K by bloc97.
Source code was released under MIT license.
2019, net2cn, made with ♥ of anime.